Building Bridges. How investors cope with lower growth, lower return in market environment.
25 October 2016
Time: 5:00 - 6:00pm
Venue: 1.13a, Bancroft Building
In his role as Head of Investments for EMEA he provides leadership and governance to SSGA investment management activity including trading and research throughout the region. Previously Bill was Global Head of Fixed Income Alpha Strategies, with oversight of the global teams delivering active strategies in North America, EMEA and Asia-Pacific. He joined SSGA with a wealth an experience in the fixed income, currency and derivative markets at Unicredit (formerly Hypovereinsbank HVB), BGB International Capital Markets, London and the USD swap and option portfolios for Commerzbank and Banque Indosuez (Calyon). He joined Morgan Guarantee Trust (JP Morgan Chase) as a graduate in 1993.
Guest speaker
This event is part of the International Business MSc Invited Speaker Series 2016. This is a weekly series of seminars. Please see the events page for other events in this series: