‘Buying social justice’ project launches equality and diversity toolkit for procurement practitioners
When: Thursday, October 19, 2023, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
The ‘Buying social justice’ through procurement research project, led by the Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity’s (CRED’s) Professor Tessa Wright, will launch its toolkit for practitioners on including equality and diversity objectives within public procurement at an online conference on Thursday 19th October from 10.30 to 12.30.
The project team will be joined by speakers Frances McAndrew, toolkit author, Chris Oswald from the Equality and Human Rights Commission and Abigail Hunt from the TUC. The event will also hear from speakers from some of the case studies featured in the toolkit: Osita Madu, HS2; Anita Jane Smith, Glasgow City Region Deal; Babu Bhattacherjee, Poplar HARCA; and Simone Devinett, RHA.
The research project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council to explore the use of social procurement to promote equality in the UK construction workforce. The research is nearing completion and some key findings will be presented at the launch, alongside the toolkit. One of the research findings was that procurement practitioners often did not feel that they had sufficient information about how to incorporate equality and diversity considerations into their procurement activities. It is hoped that the toolkit will fill this need.
The event will be of interest to procurement practitioners, equality, diversity and inclusion specialists, public sector commissioners, trade unionists and academics, among others.
To register for the event please visit the Eventbrite page: