CGR Annual Event 2021: Climate Policy and Environmental Cooperation
When: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 - Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 12:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Where: Online, Zoom
On 29th of June the Centre for Globalisation Research (CGR) is hosting the annual Globalisation Seminar and workshop on Political Economy and Economic Development organised by Dr Caterina Gennaioli (CGR Director). The special theme of this year’s event is “Climate policy and environmental co-operation”.
The Globalisation Seminar Series is a prestigious annual series offering a platform to prominent academics and policy-makers to discuss the latest debate in economics and economic policy. The Series has attracted world leading scholars such as Esther Duflo (MIT), Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia), Alberto Alesina (Harvard), Paul Collier (Oxford) and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya (Paris School of Economics and EHESS).
The speaker of the Globalisation seminar this year is Professor Scott Barrett (Vice Dean, School of International and Public Affairs; Lenfest-Earth Institute Professor of Natural Resource Economics, Columbia University) who is a leading scholar on transnational and global challenges, ranging from climate change to disease eradication. His research focuses on how institutions like customary law and treaties can be used to promote international cooperation. Professor Barrett will give the talk: “The Promise and Peril of Linking Cooperation on Trade to Cooperation on Climate Change“.
The event will begin with a workshop in political economy and economic development where leading scholars in the field will present their most recent research on climate policy and environmental cooperation. The agenda will be published soon.
Suggested hashtag for this event for Twitter users: #SBMglobalisation , #CGRblog
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