CRED 2015 Lecture: Diversity Education for Change
23 April 2015
Time: 6:00pm
Venue: Arts Two Lecture Theatre, Mile End Campus, Queen Mary University of London, London, E1 4NS
Celebrating CRED’s 10th Anniversary
Speaker: Myrtle P Bell, Professor of Management, University of Texas at Arlington
Abstract: For some thirty years, researchers and practitioners have used the term “diversity”, “valuing diversity,” “managing diversity,” and later, “diversity and inclusion”. These ideas are ostensibly to bring those who have been traditionally excluded and devalued into employment and equality in organizations and society.
Research indicates that discrimination, inequality, and exclusion persist, sometimes in more insidious forms,
and in some cases, intensifying.
This lecture will discuss research in this area, crossing diversity boundaries such as race, sex, and sexual orientation, with a focus on using research evidence in teaching and educating for change.
This lecture will be followed by a reception.
This event is free to attend. To register, please visit
For further information please contact Natasha Kamalu at