Equality representatives: building equality alliances inside and outside of their trade unions (CRED)
When: Wednesday, March 9, 2022, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Where: Online, Zoom
Speaker: Dr Joyce Mamode
Join Zoom Meeting: https://qmul-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/82043622610
The host for the seminar is Prof Tessa Wright. Dr Joyce Mamode will present a seminar on 'The Equality representatives: building equality alliances inside and outside of their trade unions.'
The trade union equality representative (ER) is a relatively recent addition to the volunteer structures on which British trade unionism relies. The ER role has a remit to provide support and advice on equality and diversity matters to fellow members and other union representatives. The presentation will provide an overview of the key findings of research which examines the impact that the ER role is having both internally in their trade unions and externally in the workplaces where they are situated.
The findings highlight the informal alliances being made between ERs and other local workplace representatives on the one hand and with management actors in the organisations where they work on the other. The theoretical implications for conceptualising contemporary trade union collective identity and for defining hitherto unrecognised avenues for collective voice will be discussed.