ESRC Seminar Series - Organizational Remembering as an Alternative Framework
15 July 2015
Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Venue: Room FB4.04/08, School of Business and Management, Bancroft Building, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End, London E1 4NS
In this session we bring together scholars from history, communication Studies, and
organization studies with an interest in the emerging field of organizational remembering.
Keynote Speaker:
Professor Andrew Hoskins, (University of Glasgow) “Organizational Memory and the Archive”
Guest Speakers:
William Foster (University of Alberta) “The role of archivists in creating organizational memory assets”
Stephanie van de Kerkhof (University of Mannheim) “Memory and narratives of World War I and II in European enterprise during the Cold War”
Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio (Copenhagen Business School) “Storying the past in banking”
Debra Ramsay (University of Glasgow) “Organizational Memory and the War Diary”
Michael Rowlinson (Queen Mary University of London) “Organizational remembering as an alternative to organizational memory studies”
Roundtable: “Memory Studies and Organization Studies”
To book please visit our registration page.
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