Eurozone Crisis Research Seminar - School of Business and Management and Centre for European Politics
11 September 2013
Time: 1:00 - 2:00pm
Venue: Room 4.04/08, Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus
Dr. Dimitris Tsarouhas, HSS Visiting Fellow
Seminar Title
The Eurozone Crisis: Root Causes, Policy Ramifications and Impact
Brief Bio
Dr. Dimitris Tsarouhas is Jean Monnet Chair in EU Politics and Assistant Professor at the Department of International Relations at Bilkent University. He is the author of Social Democracy in Sweden (London and New York: IB Tauris, 2008) and co-editor of Bridging the Real Divide: Social and Regional Policy in Turkey’s EU Accession Process (Ankara: METU University Press 2007). His research interests include welfare politics, Europeanization, political economy and EU-Turkey relations. He has published on these issues in journals such as New Political Economy, Public Administration, Social Politics, Social Policy & Administration and European Journal of Industrial Relations.
Seminar Abstract
Since 2010 the Eurozone has found itself trapped in a deep crisis, which first manifested itself in the financial sector and soon spread to the real economy. This has been part of an overall decline in economic output across the North Atlantic area, but has been most pronounced within the Eurozone. Moreover, while recovery signs have been visible in the US, Europe remains trapped in recession.
This seminar will explore three themes related to the ongoing crisis. First, it will investigate the root causes of the crisis in the Eurozone linking them not only to the global economic meltdown following the subprime mortgage crisis in the US but also to the institutional and policy design of the Eurozone as conceived at Maastricht more than twenty years ago. Second, the seminar will outline the ramifications of the crisis in terms of divergent policy preferences among Eurozone states, linking those to EU coherence more generally. A final core theme of the seminar is to look into the long-term political and economic impact of the crisis regarding the viability of the Euro project and its capacity (or lack thereof) to act in the collective interests of its member states.
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