Gender and career life outcomes
1 February 2017
Time: 1:00 - 2:00pm
Venue: 4.04/4.08 Bancroft Building
Speaker name and affiliation
Dr Mayra Ruiz-Castro, Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour Management - Kingston Business School
Equality and diversity, sociology, organizational behaviour, organization studies.
Seminar title
'Gender and career / life outcomes: An analysis of individual, household and organizational factors'
Gender inequality in workplaces and in homes reflects individual attitudes and abilities, intra-household bargaining and organizational practices. This study explores the effects of individual, household and organizational factors on women’s and men’s career/life outcomes. Using survey data collected from 3,086 employees of 7 multinational corporations based in Mexico, our findings demonstrate that supervisory support is the most determinant factor of career/life outcomes for women and men whereas class markers play an important role in men’s outcomes only. This study points to the importance of developing good supervisory practice and paying greater attention to class inequality in organizations.