Guest Lecture: Professor Sugata Marjit on 'Inequality, Welfare and Conflict'
2 October 2018
Time: 5:00 - 9:00pm
Venue: GC601, Graduate Centre, Mile End Campus
Hosted by:
Professor of International Finance
School of Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London
Guest Speaker:
About Professor Sugata Marjit
Suagata is Reserve Bank of India Professor of Industrial Economics, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta(CSSSC), Editor of South Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance (SAGE), Project Director for Center for Training and Research in Public Finance and Policy (CTRPFP at CSSSC).
He was Former Chairman of West Bengal State Council of Higher Education, Former Vice Chancellor of Calcutta University. Further information about Sugata can be found here
Sugata’s visit is sponsored by the Faculty of HSS, and the Behavioural Finance Working Group at School of Business and Management.
Event Details:
Date: 2 October 2018
Venue: Graduate Centre, Mile End Campus
Room: GC601
Time: 5-9pm
To register your attendance email:
Guest Lecture Details:
This study examines the influence of media appearance of firms on earnings management strategies of 632 firms listed on the London Stock Exchange during the financial crisis period. We find that firms that appear frequently on media are more likely to engage in earnings management activities. In addition, during the financial crisis firms with higher media attention do more real earnings management. The findings of the study contribute to the academic literature related to earnings management, firms’ media attention and financial crisis. Moreover, the findings are advantageous to investors, regulatory authorities and corporate managers, who are concerned about firms’ earnings management strategies that affect firms’ financial performance negatively.
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