In and Against the State: Resisting Austerity
4 September 2014 - 5 September 2014
Time: 12:00 - 4:00pm
Venue: 4th Floor, Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus, London, E1 4NS
The European Sociological Association’s Research Network 14: Gender Relations in the Labour Market and the Welfare State mid-term conference is being hosted by the Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity in the School of Business and Management at Queen Mary University of London. The theme of this 2 day conference is “In and Against the State: Resisting Austerity”. The welfare state has been the main target of austerity measures throughout Europe, with the reduction of public services having a dual impact on women’s lives as it removes both care support services and jobs from the state sector. Resisting austerity is therefore likely to involve women challenging the state externally as service users and internally as service providers. The aim of this conference will be to highlight and discuss recent cutting-edge research on gender relations in European labour markets and welfare states, which considers their repositioning in a Europe “in crisis”. We wish to encourage and facilitate debate on the impact of austerity on gender relations, attempts to influence/resist policy and the future direction of European interdisciplinary research. Join at:
Phd students are free but will need to provide proof of their student registration at the conference.
Event Package
1. ESA members - £30.00
2. ESA and RN14 members - £20.00
3. PhD students - Free
4. Non-Members - £50.00
Registration fee includes refreshments and conference dinner on Thursday 4th September. To book you place visit our registration page. Registration closes on 1st September 2014.
Download programme [PDF 77KB]
For further details or information contact the conference organiser Dr Hazel Conley: