Invite to Workshop with Business Ecosystems Research Group (BERG) in collaboration with the Association for Key Account Management (A4KAM)
5 March 2019
Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Venue: The British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB
BERG regularly sponsors workshops in collaboration with professional associations. This workshop is part of the A4KAM's technical workshops with a strong line-up of speakers/session leaders focusing on 'Making KAM Work: Influencing and Resolving Conflict.' The workshop will provide an excellent opportunity for academics and managers to share their experiences and increase their knowledge about issues around KAM.
Attendance for A4KAM is free (75 euros) for non-members) and there are limited spaces available for SBM staff and PhD students. To reserve your place, please contact
Venue (Date/Time)
The British Library, 96 Euston Road, NW1 2DB (5th March, 9am-5pm)
Chair Professor of Marketing and Strategy, Queen Mary University of London
KAM/Sales management stressors: When it frsutrates...and when it doesn't
Dr Brit van Ooijen
Leader Coach & Programme Director, Centre for Creative Leadership - Brussels
The Catch 22 of KAM: Influencing without authority
Kristian Kaas Mortemsen, Director
Girteka Logistics - Baltic States
A case study in influencing: Like when your key customer demands a massive price reduction