Labour Regimes and Ecology: A workshop - Centre on Labour, Sustainability and Global Production (CLaSP)
When: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 - Wednesday, June 7, 2023, 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Where: Queen Mary University of London, Mile End
This workshop proposes a research agenda on the labour regime-nature-ecology nexus and debates new approaches to the study of global production that centres labour in discussions of climate and biodiversity crises and socio-ecological transformations. Inspired by possibilities of bringing together labour regime analysis and environmental labour studies, this workshop includes research on the processes and mechanisms that inscribe regimes of labour control and modes of regulation in the ecological metabolisms of production and social reproduction.
Sam Ashman (University of Johannesburg), Elena Baglioni (Queen Mary University of London), Mads Barbesgaard (Lund University), Nicholas Beuret (University of Essex), Liam Campling (Queen Mary University of London), Gavin Capps (Kingston University), Carlo Inverardi-Ferri (Queen Mary University of London), Felipe Irarrazaval (University of Chile), Hyunjung Kim (Queen Mary University of London), Vasiliki Krommyda (National Technical University of Athens), William Monteith (Queen Mary University of London), Suravee Nayak (Centre for Policy Research, India), Zafer Ornek (Queen Mary University of London), Shreya Sinha (Queen Mary University of London), Adrian Smith (University of Sussex)
This is a closed, in-person workshop, but if you are working on this area and would like to attend, please email Liam Campling ( with a brief outline of your own project and we will try to provide space for you to attend.