Large systems transformation: A study of three state-wide health system reform initiatives
15 June 2016
Time: 5:30pm
Venue: Arts Two, Room 217
Large systems transformation: A study of three state-wide health system reform initiatives
The Organizational Learning Research Group (OLRG), School of Business and Management, invite you to an evening with Professor Rick Iedema (Monash University). The focus of the evening will be on the translation of research into organizational practice in the health sector. Ethnographic in orientation, the three studies Rick will describe are all about understanding the implementation and translation of research into practice: a key issue for (a) making improvements to patient care, and (b) achieving research impact on professional practices through change management and organizational learning.
Rick will be glad to take questions at the end.
When: 5.30-6.30pm
Where: Arts Two, Room 217, Mile End campus
The talk will be followed by a complimentary drinks reception in the Foyer of Arts Two, 6.30-7pm.
This paper presents the findings of a study of three state-wide research translation initiatives: a stroke protocol project standardising stroke care; a hip fracture care model of care promoting multi-disciplinary care coordination, and a delirium guideline seeking to limit the use of psychotropics and restraints in favour of communication with delirious patients and their families. Commissioned by the NSW Agency of Clinical Innovation (ACI), this study sought to describe and assess the workings and success of three ACI implementation initiatives to strengthen its understanding of how to optimise the effectiveness and sustainability of its state-wide implementation initiatives. Ethnographic in orientation, this study involved conducting interviews, observations and focus groups. The study further drew on documents published by the three initiatives, such as project reports and team presentations. The study found that, notwithstanding comparable resourcing, planning and preparation, implementation initiatives face high levels of variability and complexity across
various dimensions, including: nature of the change sought, achieved and maintained; management support and sponsorship; staff responsiveness and commitment, and degree of contextual fit. Study findings led to the formulation of recommendations for optimising research translation by implementation agencies and stakeholders in reform centring on:
1) detailed assessments of site readiness and staff preparedness
2) complexity-sensitive implementation project designs
3) complexity-accommodating implementation of and approach to systems and practice transformation
4) project accountability and evaluation demonstrating cognisance of implementation initiatives encountering high levels of site-internal and cross-site variability and complexity.
Register for the event
To confirm your attendance, please email Nadia Adigbli -
We would be glad to welcome you to this event, and encourage you to invite colleagues who you believe may be interested. See the event flyer for details: Large Systems Transformation [PDF 14,214KB]
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