Networked Creativity: An organisational inquiry into creative interactions among entrepreneurs at London-based coworking spaces
8 March 2017
Time: 1:00 - 2:00pm
Venue: 4.04/4.08 Bancroft Building
Speaker name and affiliation
Dr Tuukka Toivonen, Senior Lecturer in Social and Economic Innovation at the UCL Institute for Global Prosperity
Global prosperity, sustainable economies, youth employment, entrepreneurship, activation policy.
Seminar title
'Pension Accounting and Firm Value: A Dynamic Analysis'
Networked Creativity is an ESRC-funded project led by Dr Tuukka Toivonen (£250,000/May 2016-Nov 2017). It investigates how co-working spaces can create value for their members through triggering creative conversations that shape emerging business models.
This talk will explain how Networked Creativity diverges with existing organisational collective creativity research by zooming into both planned and spontaneous exchanges that shape new entrepreneurial ideas, models and projects. Preliminary findings from two key field sites in London will be introduced and considered in relation to the future of co-working and hub organisations in digital economies.