OPPRG Annual Lecture 2021- The role of municipalities (and management academics) in catalysing innovation: the Cardiff Capital Region Challenge Fund by Professor Rick Delbridge, Cardiff Business School
When: Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Where: Online, Zoom
Speaker: Professor Rick Delbridge, Cardiff Business School
The OPPRG Research centre invites you to attend their annual lecture on Wednesday 14 April from 5:30pm-7pm on Zoom, with a presentation by Rick Delbridge, Professor of Organizational Analysis at Cardiff Business School on The role of municipalities (and management academics) in catalysing innovation: the Cardiff Capital Region Challenge Fund.
In this presentation, Rick will reflect on his experiences as part of an interdisciplinary team designing and delivering the CCR Challenge Fund in collaboration with the Cardiff Capital Region. The presentation will both reflect on the initiative as an example of the challenge approach to public innovation and local economic development and its context as a city deal-led project within the regional and national context of Wales and the implications for devolution and UK innovation policy. Rick will also consider his motivation for getting involved in a context where people are increasingly questioning the (lack of) ‘real-world’ roles played by management scholars while academics at the end of their careers appear to be having regrets about spending their time in the ‘theory cave’.
About Rick Delbridge
Rick is a Professor of Organizational Analysis at Cardiff Business School and co-convenor of the Centre for Innovation Policy (CIPR). He is currently the university lead for the design and delivery of the Cardiff Capital Region Challenge Fund (CCR CF) in partnership with Y Lab and the Cardiff Capital Region. Between 2012 and 2019 he was the Dean of Research, Innovation and Enterprise at Cardiff University and led the development of the Social Science Research Park (SPARK). He is co-author of the Nesta paper Social Science Parks - society's new super-labs. A discussion between Rick and co-author Adam Price is available on the Cardiff University YouTube channel. His research interests include the management and organization of innovation, employment relations and Japanese management practices. Rick is co-editor of the JMSSays of the Journal of Management Studies http://www.socadms.org.uk/category/jms-says/