Research Seminar Series: Learning with Foucault: Lessons for Critical Management Education
When: Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Where: Online, Zoom
Speaker: Dr Rowland Curtis
OPPRG Research Seminar, Learning with Foucault: Lessons for Critical Management Education by Dr Rowland Curtis, will take place on Wednesday 31st March, 1pm-2pm.
This seminar addresses the place of Foucault in the field of critical management education and learning. While to date Foucault's ideas have been taken up as theoretical resources in the recognition of educational institutions as instantiations of disciplinary power, they have received less attention as to their possible value for pedagogic practice. In taking up these concerns, Paulo Freire's critical pedagogy provides an example of the kind of emancipatory-humanistic approach that has been dominant within the field to date, and to which Foucault's immanent critical thought is contrasted. Through both affirmation and problematisation of specific features of Freire's dialogic orientation to pedagogic practice, we explore Foucault's value for opening up a kind of situated learning in the field.