SBM Food Festival
When: Tuesday, August 24, 2021, 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Where: Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Campus
The School of Business and Management is delighted to invite its students to our Food Festival and enjoy some delectable cuisines from around the world!
The School of Business and Management is delighted to invite its students to our Food Festival and enjoy some delectable cuisines from around the world!
This is also a great opportunity to meet your classmates and friends you have made on your course in person, play some games and relax on what we hope will be a nice sunny afternoon #fingerscrossed
Dress Code: Whatever feels comfortable
Food and soft drinks will be provided, please inform us of any specific dietary requirements at registration.
We hope you are able to attend and look forward to seeing you there!
*This event is open to all School of Business and Management students.
Please note by registering to attend this event, you agree to adhere to QMUL’s COVID-19 guidance and policy for in person events as follows (subject to change in line with updated Government guidance):
• You agree for Queen Mary University of London to retain your personal details for 21 days, in order to assist the NHS Track and Trace System
• By signing up to the event you acknowledge, as part of covid declarations that you:
• Have not for the past 14 days had close contact with a person known to have contracted Covid-19
• Have not for the past 7 days displayed any of the symptoms found here If you are displaying any of these symptoms, you agree to not attending this event.
• Have taken an Antigen Test free from most pharmacies and chemists on the day of the event and have a negative result. Please bring a picture as proof of this result.
• By attending this event you are not in breach of quarantine rules by the government regarding self isolation from travelling from countries on the green, red or amber list
• If using public transport to attend the event, ensuring you wear a facemask unless exempt
• On arrival to the event sanitising your hands thoroughly and have your e-ticket available for scanning
• Checking in with the NHS Track and Trace App at registration or providing your contact name and mobile number if you do not have the app
• Adhering to one way systems put in place at the event for the safety of yourself and colleagues
• Please note that we will not offer any coat or bag storage facilities and you will be required to keep your personal items with you at all times, storing bags under your seat and coats on the back of your seat where necessary.