School of Business and Management, Queen Mary Alumni Event - New Delhi
21 November 2015
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: Shangri La Eros Hotel, New Delhi, India
Calling all India-based Alumni Students!
Our Postgraduate Director, Dr Stefan Krummaker, will be visiting New Delhi on university business later this month and he would very much like to meet with you over dinner.
This would be a great opportunity for him to catch up with you and hear all about your lives and career progression following your studies with the School of Business and Management. It’s also an opportunity for you to tell him what you enjoyed about QM and also perhaps what could be improved...?
The dinner will take place at the Shangri La Eros Hotel, New Delhi on 21st November 2015 at 19:00pm.
If you are able to attend, please RSVP Jaspreet Kaur, the Queen Mary Regional Advisor for India & Sri Lanka.
Her contact details are:
Tel: +91 11 4212 4130