School Research Seminar - Hosted by Dr Nicholas Tsitsianis
17 February 2016
Time: 1:00 - 2:00pm
Venue: FB 4.04/4.08 (Lunch from 12:30pm in the kitchen)
Speaker name & affiliation
Dr Oliver Marnet, Associate Professor in Accounting, Southampton Business School
Seminar title
Semple Cochrane – Excalibur within a Scottish setting or the limitations of audit?
[David Gwilliam and Oliver Marnet, 2015, Professional Negligence, 31(3).]
Accounting and audit is not a neutral, quasi scientific technocratic process, conducted by ‘experts’ in a world free of commercial, institutional and social influence. Instead, numerous factors impact on the quality of service provision. Beyond this wider questions may be asked including those relating as to the nature and actuality of the ‘expertise’ claimed by accounting and audit professionals, the almost complete ineffectiveness in this instance of the paradigmatic approach to governance now espoused enthusiastically worldwide, and the relevance, if any, of disciplinary and regulatory procedures which are supposed to ensure appropriate standards of accounting and audit in the UK.