School Research Seminar - Hosted by Dr Stella Ladi
27 January 2016
Time: 1:00 - 2:00pm
Venue: FB 4.04/4.08 (Lunch from 12:30pm in the kitchen)
Speaker name & affiliation
Steven Van de Walle, Professor Public Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Seminar title
Public sector reform– the views of top civil servants. Results from an 18-country survey
New Public Management-inspired innovations have been at the centre of public sector reforms in European countries. The EU-funded COCOPS research project has studied these reforms from various angles. The COCOPS Top Executive Survey on Public Sector Reform is a large-scale population survey among central government top public officials in 20 countries (N = 9,638). The presentation will present some headline findings, including how top official evaluate reforms, how they use management tools, and how they perceive their own role as public managers.
Website for more information