School Research Seminar - Hosted by Professor Geraldine Healy
23 March 2016
Time: 1:00 - 2:00pm
Venue: FB 4.04/4.08 (Lunch from 12:30pm in the kitchen)
Speaker and affiliation
Marco Peruzzi, University of Verona
Seminar title
Performance-Related Pay in Collective Agreements: What is the Deal with the Gender Pay Gap? The Case of Italy.
While the EU asks for the Member States to review their collective bargaining systems in order to anchor pay settings to company productivity, the negotiation of performance-related pay elements needs to consider possible gendered-bias consequences in the choice of the parameters to be used in the measurement of individual performances and in the distribution of the corresponding pay elements.
In the framework of the project Close the Deal, Fill the Gap, the analysis of a sample of company agreements and of selected case studies in Italy highlighted some interesting issues, which will be presented during this seminar, together with a brief outline of the relevant Italian legal and industrial relations context.
Marco Peruzzi is Researcher of Labour Law at the Department of Law of the University of Verona. His fields of research include European social dialogue, Health and Safety at Work, anti-discrimination law and equality rights.
Among his publications, the monograph, L’autonomia nel dialogo sociale europeo (Bologna: il Mulino, 2011), essays on the Gender Pay Gap, the European and transnational collective bargaining, the protection against psychosocial risks, the protection of the health and safety of the worker abroad, the interpretation of the EU anti-discrimination directives, paternity rights, the fight against undeclared work, the protection against unlawful dismissals and the burden of proof.
He is currently participating in the project Close the Deal, Fill the Gap, (JUST/2013/PROG/AG/GE Gender Pay Gap), funded by the European Union, and of the project legal framework (PRIN Call 2010-2011), funded by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research.