School Research Seminar - Supervisory performance ratings: what do they reflect?
14 October 2015
Time: 1:00 - 2:00pm
Venue: FB 4.04/4.08 (Lunch from 12:30pm in the kitchen)
(40 minute talk and 20 minute Q&A)
Speaker name and affiliation
Dr Kathlyn Wilson, CPsychol, Centre for Research in Employment Decision Making
Seminar title
Supervisory performance ratings: what do they reflect?
Performance appraisals form the basis of high-stakes decisions such as promotion and pay. Studies of work performance have found significant differences between minority and majority ethnic groups in performance. The extent to which we can ascertain whether these disparities reflect real differences in performance or are a result of psychological biases, depends on our ability to accurately assess job performance. Limitations in definition and operationalisation of job performance impact our ability to detect true performance differences across groups. I explore the construct validity of supervisory ratings. If ratings represent different constructs across groups, bias in ratings can be inferred.