School Research Seminar - Trends in Job Quality and Temporary Work In Britain
7 October 2015
Time: 1:00 - 2:00pm
Venue: FB 4.04/4.08 (lunch from 12:30pm in the kitchen)
(40 minute talk and 20 minute Q&A)
Speaker name & affiliation
Hande Inanc, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Seminar title
Trends in Job Quality and Temporary Work in Britain
The paper investigates patterns of divergence and convergence of job quality among temporary and permanent workers in Britain and draws on the Skills and Employment Surveys carried out in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006 and 2012. It finds that casual workers had the lowest job quality, and fixed-term and permanent contracts shared similar levels. While there was further divergence between temporary and permanent jobs with respect to workplace voice, there was more substantial support for a convergence in terms of learning and training opportunities, and task discretion, due to an upward shift among casual workers.