School Research Seminar Series - Rescaling the State
19 March 2014
Time: 1:00 - 2:00pm
Venue: FB 1.15, Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus, E1 4NS
Prof Janice Morphet
Janice Morphet is a Visiting Professor in the Bartlett School of Planning at University College London. She is currently working on infrastructure planning and sub–state governance in the UK including the role of the British Irish Council and Devolution. Other current projects include the Cardiff metro and rural issues in LEPs. Janice has held senior posts in local and central government, was Head of the School of Planning and Landscape at Birmingham Polytechnic and on the Planning Committee of the London 2012 Olympic Games. Her recent books are Modern Local Government (2008), Effective Practice in Spatial Planning (2010) and How Europe Shapes British Public Policy (2013). Janice is now working on two new books – one of infrastructure delivery planning and the other on management for planners – theory and practice - both to be published in 2015.
Seminar title
Rescaling the State
Since 1991, Krugman's Nobel prize-winning paper on economic geography has changed the developed world's focus to one on endogenous growth, localising markets, sustainability and the alignment of economic space and governance. This is now espoused by the OECD and the World Bank and is being implemented in the EU including the UK. How is this new economic policy, which includes increasing local self-determination, alignment of sub-state economic and political leadership and reduction of the central state role being implemented in the UK?
Globalisation; Management and Organisation, Public Management Group.
*Chaired by Prof Perri 6
*Lunch from 12:30pm in the kitchen