School Research Seminar Series: Where has the conscious mind gone?
3 December 2014
Time: 1:00 - 2:00pm
Venue: FB4.04/4.08, Bancroft Building, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Campus, London, E1 4NS
Hosted by Dr Adedoyin Atewologun
Dr Magda Osman, Senior Lecturer in Experimental Cognitive Psychology, Queen Mary University of London
Current thinking, particularly in light of Nobel Prize Winner Daniel Kahneman, has made popular the view that much of what we do is shaped by unconscious thinking which we don’t have access to, or that we can reliably control. The aim of this presentation is to challenge this view which has a strangle hold on psycholo-gy, economics, management, business and beyond, and to propose an unpopular alternative: We are pre-dominately conscious of, or can recover conscious access to, the factors that shape our choice behaviour (Osman, 2014).
*Lunch will be provided from 12.30pm.