Storytelling through Genres: Memes, online cultural artefacts and Digital Horror
When: Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Where: Virtual, via Microsoft Teams, Mile End Campus

Lecturer in Digital Cultures and Arabic Cultural Studies, join Dr. Crstina Moreno Almeida for a fascinating exploration the interesting relationship between storytelling and the way our online world has shaped such a medium.
We are inviting you to a fascinating talk by Dr Cristina Moreno Almeida on ‘Storytelling through Genres: Memes, online cultural artefacts and Digital Horror, drawing on her forthcoming book, “Memes, Monsters, and the Digital Grotesque” by Oxford University Press.
This has been arranged by Storytelling Unboxed, under the “Talking to Authors” series.
To join this session, and know more about 'Storytelling Unboxed', please contact Dr S M A Moin (