The off-shoring of law and labour markets for lawyers in the US and UK - Hosted by Professor Gill Kirton (CRED)
12 November 2014
Time: 1:00 - 2:30pm
Venue: Mile End Campus, Bancroft Building, Room 4.04/08
Speaker and affiliation
Professor Sarosh Kuruvilla
Cornell University, New York, USA
HSS Distinguished Fellow 2014-15
Seminar title
In this paper we use the theory of internal labor markets and their dissolution to develop our argument that the offshoring of law work from the US has contributed to the fracturing of the long established internal labor market arrangements that have been used to structure employment at large US law firms. Drawing on evidence from the US and India on employment systems, the growth of offshoring, and the rapidly changing nature of work that is offshored, we suggest that the changes we see in employment systems in law firms are likely to be permanent, in contrast to others who suggest that they are temporary adjustments to the financial crisis. And, we find that as internal labor market arrangements are fracturing in the US, they are being partially recreated in India.