The Organisational Learning Research Group: A showcase of current projects and research interests
26 November 2014
Time: 1:00 - 4:00pm
Venue: FB4.04/4.08, 4th Floor Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus
The Group will showcase some current research projects and share ideas for potential future collaborations. The session will be an opportunity for within-School dialogue and exchange and we hope to explore areas of potential collaboration with other Research Centres and Groups.
Established in 2013, the OLRG is an interdisciplinary group of scholars from mainly sociological and psychological backgrounds committed to critical scholarship. We conduct research in the following broad topic areas: Management Learning & Leadership; Organisational Learning & Knowledge Management; Innovation Technologies in the Workplace; Communities of Practice & Networks of Practice; Management & Leadership Education; Training & Development; Organizational Change & Development; Social Learning. The aims of the Group, and research interests of some of its members will be presented.