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School of Business and Management

2025 Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships - Expressions of Interest

We are inviting outstanding early career researchers to apply for the Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship Scheme


If you are interested in applying for this scheme through the School of the Business and Management, please submit an application in one document (Word or PDF, using a 12 pt font) to by midday on Friday 8 November 2024.

Applicants wishing to consider applying for the Early Career Fellowships are encouraged to contact a member of staff in the appropriate area of expertise to act as their mentor at least four weeks in advance of the internal deadline. Applications must fit both the funding scheme and the School’s research profile.

Applicants are also encouraged to highlight the support of Faculty and institutionā€level infrastructure, and commitment to interdisciplinary research and exchange notably through the Queen Mary Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IHSS)

Because these Fellowships require an institutional contribution to match that made by the Leverhulme Trust, only a small number of exceptional applications will be supported. The School is only able to nominate a limited number of applications for consideration by a University selection panel. Candidates will be notified in December whether they have been selected to submit an application to the Leverhulme Trust.

The expressions of interest must include in a single document:

  • a statement confirming eligibility for the scheme - please state in a series of bullet points how you meet the Trust’s eligibility requirements;
  • a proposed start and end date for the award;
  • a 2-page academic CV;
  • An outline research proposal including title, non-technical abstract (250 words), statement of past and current research (250 words) and 2 page (A4) project outline. The project outline should include aims, objectives, methodology and outcome (e.g. publication plans). It should make clear the scope and importance of the proposal. The methodology should be clear and explicit, comprehensible to a non-expert.
  • A statement on why QMUL would be a good institutional fit, which includes a proposed mentor for your project and how your research activities might contribute to the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (IHSS) at QMUL. (250 words)
  • the name of your QMUL mentor, whose support you should secure in advance of your application.

Your application should demonstrate:

  • that you are eligible according to the trust’s criteria
  • the excellence of your research track record and professional track record (where relevant);
  • your fit to the Schoof of Business and Management and relevant links to the Faculty of the Humanities and Social Sciences

Full scheme details can be found on the Leverhulme Trust Website.

All applications will be considered in an internal selection process and candidates notified by mid-December 2024.

Successful applicants will then have approximately two months to finalise their application, due 20 February 2025. They will also be invited to attend an orientation session run by The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences about the final stages of application, mid-January 2025. 

For any enquiries about the application process, please contact




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