School Research Events
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Research Seminar Series
Academics from across the QMUL community and beyond are very welcome to join us.
All seminars will be in-person in Room FB4.04/08 from 1:00 to 2:30pm. Lunch will be provided. Due to rail strikes, Wednesday 4th October 2023 will be online only.
Weds 4 October: [online only] The SBM research environment in 2023/24, Liam Campling, Elena Doldor, Paul Giuliani and Manuela Perrotta. Launch of new SBM Research SharePoint, overview of SBM internal funds, Open Access and Q&A.
Weds 11 October: Roundtable on Social justice in the workplace. Sadhvi Dar (BSO) on racism in the business school; Giorgos Gouzoulis (P&O) on financialisation, union membership and strikes; and Po Yin Wong (BAAE) on external shocks and their gendered impacts on work.
Weds 18 October: Research ethics clinic, Tessa Wright on QMUL ethical approval for research projects.
Weds 25 October: Roundtable on Precarity and alterity: Homaira Semeen (AFM) on accounting for ‘fair wages’; and Lilian Schofield (BSO) on autoethnography of the effects of precarity. Chair: Yasmin Ibrahim (MKT).
Weds 1 November: Roundtable on Challenging austerity in the UK: Mary Robertson (BSO) on community wealth building; Sukhdev Johal (AFM) on Nothing Works; and Tessa Wright (P&O) on public procurement and social justice. Chair: Liam Campling (BSO).
Weds 8 November: Reading week.
Weds 15 November: Me and my grant, with Louise Ashley, Ben Neimark and Jessie Sklair on the experience of managing grants at SBM. Chair: Manuela Perrotta.
Weds 22 November: Roundtable tbc.
Weds 29 November: Research Away Day at Museum of London Docklands. From 10.00 to 13.00 for ECRs and new/ newer colleagues, and the afternoon is for all academics (from 13.00 for lunch or 14.00 until 17.00. With a food/ drinks reception until 20.00.
Weds 6 December: Roundtable: Perspectives on digital economy. Vincent Guermond (BSO) will talk on digital remittances, mobile money and fintech in Ghana; and Alessandro Merendino (AFM) on digital strategies, digital capabilities and creative accounting.
Weds 13 December: Research impact panel discussion with mince pies: Colleagues sharing their experience of building collaborative relationships with non-academic stakeholders. Chair: Elena Doldor.
Weds 31 January 2024: Experiments and experimentation in social science research. Stephan Dickert (MINDS) on experiments in behavioural social science; Zeynep Gürgüç (CGR) on experiments in energy demand management; Nikiforos Panourgias (AARG) on an experimental marketplace for aviation emissions (TBC). Chair: Liam Campling.
Weds 7 February 2024: Researching wellbeing. George Kavetsos (CGR) on wellbeing accounts in public policy; Tana Liscandru (MINDS) on wellness and gift giving; and Mark Williams (CRED) on job satisfaction (TBC). Chair: Elena Doldor
Weds 14 February 2024: No seminar.
Weds 21 February 2024: Early career research development. Nicholas Tsitsianis (AARG), Caterina Gannaioli (CGR), Stephan Dickert (MINDS), Nelarine Cornelius (CRED/Organisation Studies) and Gary Schwarz (PMRG). Chair: Manuela Perrotta.
Weds 28 February 2024: Digital research methods. Valentin Danchev (CQM/ CGR) on digital data governance; Jingjing Fu (MINDS) on digital labour and user engagement with digital platforms; and Jack Sargeant on digital archives (CLaSP). Chair: Manuela Perrotta.
Weds 6 March 2024: No seminar.
Weds 13 March 2024: Food systems and sustainability. Guven Demirel on food waste and global supply chains (CQM/CGR); Sayed Elhoushy on food waste and consumer behaviour (MINDS); and Shreya Sinha on crises of sustainability in Indian agriculture (CLaSP). Chair: Liam Campling.
Weds 20 March 2024: Me and my grant. Elena Baglioni on ISRF Political Economy Research Fellowship (TBC); Giorgos Galanis on non-standard grants; Toan Luu Duc Huynh on British Academy small grant; and Panos Panagiotopoulos on Alan Turing Skills Policy Award (TBC). Chair: Manuela Perrotta
Weds 27 March 2024: Social reproduction in Latin America. Mayra Ruiz Castro (CRED) on women on boards in Mexico; Roxana Gutierrez-Romero (CGR) on the impact of Mexico's new femicide laws on the number of killings of women; and Jessie Sklair (CLaSP) on the financialisation of social welfare in Brazil and low-income women's experience of debt. Chair: Liam Campling.

Research Seminar Series