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School of Business and Management

Dr Elena Baglioni


Reader in Global Supply Chain Management and Sustainability

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 8593
Room Number: Room 3.44e, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus
Office Hours: Tuesday 11.00am - 1.00pm (Term-time only)




Elena is Reader in Global Supply Chain Management and Sustainability and joined Queen Mary in 2011. Her background is in politics, history, and development studies. She holds a PhD in Development Studies from the University of Bologna, a MSc in Development Studies from SOAS, and a Degree (summa cum laude) in Political Sciences from the University of Bologna. She has been studying for years historical processes of development in low-income countries with reference to sub-Saharan Africa and has conducted extensive research in Senegal within poverty reduction, export agriculture and land grabbing. Elena’s research interests broadly include agrarian political economy, economic geography, and the political economy of global value chains. Her most recent interests span the political economy of natural resource industries, labour process analysis and ecology,  labour regimes and social reproduction analyses. She has recently been awarded a Political Economy Fellowship from the Independent Social Research Foundation (ISRF) to conduct a research project titled ‘An Archaeology of reproductive subsumption: classing the household, women and ecology in Senegambia’

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