Dr Rowland Curtis

Lecturer in Organisation Studies
Email: r.curtis@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 8987
Room Number: Room 4.42, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus
Office Hours: Wednesdays 10.00am - 12.00pm (by appointment)
- Co-Director, Organisation Studies Research Group
- Member of the Department of People and Organisations
- BUS302: Organisation and Identity
- BUS324: The Management of Human Resources
Dr Curtis is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Research Interests:
Dr Curtis' research explores intersections between power, knowledge, subjectivity and critique in management and organisation. He has made contributions to debates in organisation studies (OS) and critical management studies (CMS), with particular interests in the politics and philosophy of work and organisation, Foucault and poststructuralist thought, organisational ethnography, group relations and critical and transformative pedagogy. The roles he holds include Co-Director of the Organisation Studies Research Group and he is an affiliate of the Centre on Labour and Global Production (CLGP) within SBM. He is also a member of the editorial collective of the open-access journal ephemera: theory and politics in organization.
Journal publications
- Curtis, R. (online first), 'Learning with Foucault: Towards Immanent Thinking in Critical Management Education', Academy of Management Learning & Education.
- Conrad, L., Curtis, R. & Johnsen, C.G. (2021) 'Editorial: Modes of Organization', ephemera: theory and politics in organization, 23(1).
- Curtis, R. & Weir, K. (2016) 'Open Secrets', in ephemera: theory and politics in organization, 16(2): 1-9.
- Curtis, R. (2014), 'Foucault Beyond Fairclough: From Transcendental to Immanent Critique in Organization Studies', Organization Studies.
- Curtis, R., Harney, S. & Jones, C. (2013), ‘Ethics in a Time of Crisis: Editorial Introduction to Special Focus’, Business Ethics: A European Review, Vol. 22(1), pp. 64-67.
- Curtis, R. (2008), ‘Katrina and the Waves: Bad Organization, Natural Evil or The State’, in Culture and Organization, Vol. 14(2), pp. 113-133.
- Curtis, R. (2008), ‘Hallward’s Strangely Elegant Car Crash’, in ephemera: theory and politics in organization, Vol. 8(1), pp. 94-103.
Dr Curtis is available to supervise research projects in:
- Critical management and organisation studies
- Organisational ethnography
- Management education and learning