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School of Business and Management

Professor Gerard Hanlon


Professor of Organisational Sociology

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 6320
Room Number: Room 4.40a, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus



Gerard Hanlon is Professor of Organisational Sociology in the School of Business and Management and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Through his Academy Fellowship, Gerard is working with New City College to examine how non-traditional university students (eg those who have taken BTEC, or the new T-Level qualification) learn, what they learn, and how this experience enables them integrate into university. This project emerges from the School of Business and Management’s long experience of teaching such students. This experience has encouraged us to alter how we teach in attempts to further integration.

Gerard is also working with the Queen Mary Academy as a Fellow 2023-24. His project seeks to develop a better understanding of how BTEC students learn at college and the transition of BTEC students into university. 

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