- Member of the Department of Accounting and Financial Management
Ulrike joined the School in 2022, having previously worked at University of Leicester, University of Essex, University of Innsbruck (Austria) and Berlin School of Economics and Law (Germany). Her diploma degree was in the area of Accounting, followed by a PhD in Management Accounting. Her PhD research took a governmentality perspective on gender budgeting, describing the emergence of gender budgeting as well as the translation of gender budgeting initiatives into practice. More recently, she conducts research into the areas of accounting for wellbeing, the accounting profession, social accounting and feminism.
- BUS140: Introduction to Management Accounting
- BUS241: Corporate Financial Reporting
Management accounting: Ulrike adopts an interdisciplinary, social-scientific approach to management accounting, balancing this with technical expertise and training in order to deliver high-quality, research-led teaching and meet professional bodies’ requirements for accreditation purposes.
Accounting theory:
Ulrike adopts an interdisciplinary, social-scientific approach to management accounting, balancing this with technical expertise and training to deliver high-quality, research-led teaching and meet professional bodies’ requirements for accreditation purposes. Ulrike has experience of teaching more explicitly theoretical modules on accounting programmes. Her teaching in these areas adopts an active learning approach that puts student engagement at the heart of the module, to develop critical reading and writing skills, as well as students’ research and communication skills. In these modules she draws upon historical and recent research in accounting, to work through theorisation of accounting from different theoretical perspectives, including critical theory.
Accounting for non-profit organisations, social and environmental accounting: Ulrike has taught specialised modules on accounting for economic and social activities in NPOs, including environmental reporting and sustainable governance, and their potential impact on company performance. The object of the module was to demonstrate how performance measurement methods can be developed for NPOs and what the limits of such measurements are.
Ulrike has been a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy since 2017.
Research Interests:
Ulrike’s research mainly focusses on social studies of accounting, such as the emergence and translation of new (management) accounting phenomena as a response to crisis and political problematizations, for example the emergence of gender budgeting as ‘accounting for equality’, or more recently the emergence of managing and measuring well-being. Interdisciplinary in nature, her research draws upon organization theory, feminist theory, political philosophy and science and technology studies in order to develop insights to inform organizational, social and political action. Her research has been published in international journals such as Gender, Work and Organization and she is member and affiliated researcher in a wide range of national and international research networks and communities.
Centre and Group Membership:
- Member of Accounting & Accountability Research Group (AARG)
- Member of Centre on Labour, Sustainability, and Global Production (CLaSP)
- Member of Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity (CRED)
Research reports
Tsaousi, C., Weir, K., Marx, U., Kokkinidis, G., Stoborod, K. and Burridge, M. (2019): ‘Wellbeing in the Accounting Profession: Measuring and understanding the reluctance to seek help’, final report prepared for Chartered Accountants Benevolent Association (CABA), 178p.
Journal articles
Marx, Ulrike (2018), Accounting for equality: Gender budgeting and moderate feminism, Gender, Work and Organization, (ABS 3)
Nitzl, C./Hirsch, B./Marx, U. (2015): Zur Genese von Vertrauen von Manager/innen gegenüber Controller/innen – ein Vergleich zwischen Frauen und Männern, [gender differences in trust formation between managers and management accountants], Die Betriebswirtschaft (Business Administration Review), 75. Jg., Nr. 2, pp. 97-127.
Book chapters
Marx, U. (forthcoming, 2024), Measuring and Managing Gender Equality – The Case of Gender Budgeting in Austria, in: Feminism in Public Debt, Too - A Human Rights Approach, edited by: Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky and Mariana Rulli, to be published by The Bristol University Press, University of Bristol
Marx, U. (forthcoming, 2024), Accounting for gender equality, in: Handbook of Accounting in Society, edited by Hendrik Vollmer, to be published by Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Marx, U. (2023), Midiendo y gestionando la igualdad de género. El caso del presupuesto con perspectiva de género de Austria, in: BOHOSLAVSKY, JP and RULLI, M. (eds.) Deuda feminista. ¿Utopía u oxímoron? (pp 303-403). Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Edulp).
Marx, U., & Becker, A. (2020, June). Geschlechterverhältnisse steuern: Zahlen und Feminismus [governing gender: numbers and feminism]. In Geschlechterverhältnisse im Kontext von Unternehmen und Gesellschaft (pp. 165-180). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
Marx, Ulrike & Becker, Albrecht (2012): Gender Budgeting: Frauen und Männer zählen [Gender budgeting: counting women and men]. In Ortlieb, Renate & Sieben, Barbara (eds.), Geschenkt wird einer nichts - oder doch? Festschrift für Gertraude Krell. (pp.129-134). München Mering: Hampp.
Marx, Ulrike & Becker, Albrecht (2011): Gender Budgeting: Quantifizierung und Lippenbekenntnisse [Gender budgeting: quantification and lip services]. In Eibl, Doris G., Jarosch, Marion, Schneider, Ursula A. & Steinsiek, Annette (eds.) Innsbrucker Gender Lectures I. (pp. 179-200). Innsbruck University Press.
Janke, Madeleine & Marx, Ulrike (2008), Genderbezogene Forschung und Lehre im Fachgebiet Rechnungswesen und Controlling [Gender related research and teaching in accounting and management control], Discussion Paper Series published by the Harriet Taylor Mill-Institute for Economics and Gender Studies, Berlin School of Economics and Law. Discussion paper No. 02, 05/2008.
Janke, Madeleine, Marx, Ulrike; Pietzner, Andrea; Speda, Aileen (2009): Rechnungswesen und Gender. Ausgewählte Aspekte aus Theorie und Praxis [Accounting and Gender. Theoretical and practical issues]. Berlin: P+H Wissenschaftlicher Verlag ( Schriftenreihe Wirtschaftspraxis 5).
Book reviews
Marx, Ulrike (2011), Review of Projektgruppe GiB, Achatz, J., Beblo, M., Bothfeld, S., Fuchs, T., Gartner, H., Höyng, S., Hübers, S., Klenner, C., Kohaut, S., Krell, G., Maschke, M., Rouault, S., Tondorf, K, Wolf, E. & Ziegler, A., Geschlechterungleichheiten im Betrieb. Arbeit, Entlohnung und Gleichstellung in der Privatwirtschaft [Gender Inequalities in Business. work, payment and equality], Feministische Studien 01/2011, pp.161-164.
On a general level, Ulrike’s research interests are located in interdisciplinary work in the area of management accounting. She understands accounting as social and organisational practice and she is particularly interested in projects which look at the emergence and implementation of new accounting practices in the area of social accounting, in policy reforms and performance management, in feminist research in accounting, and in governmentality studies.