Dr S M A Moin is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Storytelling and Brand Communications at Queen Mary University of London. He is an interdisciplinary researcher and a published author in brand storytelling, strategy, leadership and creativity & innovation. He regularly reviews for several academic journals. He has earned an MBA from the University of Strathclyde and a PhD from the University of Nottingham. In addition, he has completed several executive educations in leadership, management, creativity and entrepreneurship from the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge and Harvard University.
Before his move into academia, Moin worked in several industries, including the military (Navy), media, publishing, and financial services. As a management consultant, he has advised various companies, worked for the world’s largest international newspaper and was part of a $4 billion international subsea project named SME-4. He has also served as an LEA Governor of the London Borough of Hounslow and taught in the UK further education sector and armed forces training institutions. Before joining Queen Mary University of London in 2022, Moin worked as the Associate Head of Research and Scholarship, University Ethics Lead and Vice-Chair of the Research, Scholarship and Ethics Panel at Coventry University London. He is a Senior Fellow of Advance HE and a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.
- BUS321: Business and Social Approaches to Social Media - Opportunities and Issues
- BUSM210 Brand Storytelling in the Digital Age
As a passionate teaching and learning enthusiast, Moin has gained extensive experience in creative teaching, incorporating research-led, problem-based and inquiry-driven pedagogy, and engaging his students through leveraging the art of storytelling and simulated experiential learning (such as case studies and scenario planning). He has taught undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA modules in the areas of Marketing, Strategy, Creativity, Innovation and Brand Storytelling.
Dr Moin is a Senior Fellow of the HEA.
Current Doctoral Students:
Abdullah Abdulrahman A Alfares
S M A Moin's research interests include:
- Brand storytelling
- Creativity
- Consumer trust
- Branding
Scholarly Contributions
In his previous role at Coventry University London, Moin developed a number of modules for the Undergraduate, Postgraduate and MBA programmes.
Pedagogic publications
Moin, S. M. A. (2025). Storytelling in Marketing and Brand Communications, London: Routledge – Release date 12 July 2024.
Moin, S M A (2022). Creativity in the Imagination Age: Theories, Practice and Application, London: Palgrave Macmillan
Moin, S M A (2020). Brand Storytelling in the Digital Age: Theories, Practice and Application, London: Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 9783030590840
Moin, S M A (2020). Leadership Compass: 12 Steps to Becoming a Purposeful Leader, London: KDP, ISBN: 9781673879063
Moin, S M A (2019). The Purpose of Life: Understanding the Divine Message through the Lens of Leadership and Strategy, London: KDP, ISBN: 9781694830968
Moin, S M A (2012). Strategy Made Easy: Introducing a New Strategy Model, Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 9783659153464 (Printed in the USA and UK)
Moin, S M A (2023). Digital Robin Hood: The Persecution of an Innocent Soul, ASIN: B0BCZR7LM7
Moin, S M A (2023). Tears of Love: How Humanity Writes Happiness, One Line at a Time, ASIN: B0BRKXJCPW
Book Chapters:
Moin, S M A (2019). The Power of Storytelling: How to Engage Millennial Learners with an Ancient Art. In C. Simmons (Ed.), Teaching and Learning Excellence: The Coventry Way, Coventry: Coventry University
Journal Articles:
Moin, S M A, Devlin. J., McKechnie. S. (2021). Introducing a composite measure of trust in financial services, The Service Industries Journal, DOI: 10.1080/02642069.2021.1969366
Moin, S M A, Hosany, S. O'Brien, J. (2020). Storytelling in destination brands’ promotional videos, Tourism Management Perspective, 34:1-12
Moin, S M A, Devlin. J., McKechnie. S. (2017). Trust in Financial Services: The Influence of Demographics and Dispositional Characteristics, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 22:64-76
Moin, S M A, Devlin. J., McKechnie. S. (2016). Magic of Branding: The Role of Pledge, Turn and Prestige in Fostering Consumer Trust in Financial Services, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 21 (2): 113-126.
Moin, S M A, Devlin. J., McKechnie. S. (2015). Trust in Financial Services: Impact of Institutional Trust and Dispositional Trust on Trusting Belief, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 20: 91-106.
Teaching Resources and Case Study:
Moin, S M A (2020). The Approaches to Interdisciplinary Research in Brand Management: Assumptions and Methods, London: SAGE Publishing, ISBN: 9781529723892
Moin, S M A (2020). Depth Interviews and Life Stories: A Narrative Approach, London: SAGE Publishing, ISBN: 9781529722901
Moin, S M A (2020). Principles of Brand Storytelling in Marketing: An approach for literary and narratological analysis of video commercials, London: SAGE Publishing, ISBN: 9781529731903
Moin, S M A (2014). The inextricable link between passion and a successful business, UK: Enterprise Research Centre.