Dr Szilvia Mosonyi is the Co-Director of the Organisation Studies Research Group and a Senior Lecturer in Responsible Leadership at Queen Mary University of London, School of Business and Management. She has expertise in corporate social responsibility and sustainability, responsible leadership, management consulting and professionalization with further research interest in responsible investment and ESG.
Szilvia completed her PhD at Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), City, University of London, where she is Head of Operations for ETHOS, the Centre for Responsible Enterprise. She holds an MRes from Bayes Business School, an MA in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from Nottingham University Business School (ICCSR), and an MA in Sociology from the Eotvos Lorand University of Science in Hungary.
Prior to starting her doctoral studies, Szilvia spent 7 years as a CSR and sustainability consultant at Deloitte in London, where she led and delivered advisory and assurance engagements to leading multinational companies across a variety of industries. This experience informs her teaching of CSR, ethics, and responsible leadership.
Szilvia is committed to impactful research and she actively participates in research projects directed towards practitioners. Such projects included a research report on culture change in the banking sector launched in the UK Parliament, and a study of the effectiveness of responsible investment for the United Nations backed Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI).
Research Interests:
In her research, Szilvia investigates macro and micro level practices in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability and responsible investment. Her expertise is primarily in qualitative research.
One stream of her research examines processes of contemporary professionalization and relational aspects of identity work in tensional occupations. Szilvia engages with sociology of professions to explore how CSR and sustainability practitioners construct a mandate for their field. She is interested in occupational change and wishes to understand the wider net of stakeholders, in which fledgling occupations are embedded and who play a critical role in their emergence. She also studies, through a paradox lens, tensions CSR and sustainability consultants face in their everyday work and their individual responses to manage these contradictions.
Her second stream of research studies academic engagement and framing of the field of management consulting. Through the review of management consulting literature, Szilvia is interested to unpack the interplay between knowledge, identity, and power within one of the elite professions. Principal in her investigation is professional service firms and client-consultant relationships.
Her current research project focuses on practices of responsible investment and key stakeholders in the ESG arena. She studies the institutional history of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and examines in particular deliberative governance practices. Szilvia also has a keen methodological interest in academic literature reviewing.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Gond, J.-P., Brès, L., & Mosonyi, S. (2024). Consultants as discreet corporate change agents for sustainability: Transforming organizations from the outside-in. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, Online First.
- Gond, J.-P., Mena, S., & Mosonyi, S. (2023) The performativity of literature reviewing: Constituting the corporate social responsibility literature through re-presentation and intervention. Organizational Research Methods, 26(2), 195–228.
- Mosonyi, S., Empson, L. & Gond, J-P. (2019) Management consulting: Towards an integrative framework of knowledge, identity, and power.International Journal of Management Reviews, 22(2), 121-149.
- Brès, L., Mosonyi, S., Gond, J.-P., Muzio, D., Mitra, R., Werr, A., & Wickert, C. (2019). Rethinking professionalization: A generative dialogue on CSR practitioners. Journal of Professions and Organization, 6(2), 1–19.
- Gond, J.-.P., Mena, S. and Mosonyi, S. (2017). Meta-Reviewing the Business and Society Field through Sociological Paradigms: Towards Pluralistic Re-Presentations of Corporate Social Responsibility. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society, 28, pp. 56-67.
Practitioner publications
- Gond, J-P., Augustine, G., Shin, H., Tirapani, A. N. & Mosonyi, S. (2022) How corporate social responsibility and sustainable development functions impact the workplace: A review of the literature (ILO Working paper 71). Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Organization, ISSN 2708-3446.
- Gond, J-P., O'Sullivan, N., Slager, R., Homanen, M., Viehs, M., Mosonyi, S. (2018) How ESG Engagement Creates Value for Investors and Companies. Cass Business School and PRI Research Report.
- Mosonyi, S. (2016). United We Stand, Divided We Fall: Building Successful Relationships in Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability. Cass Business School Research Report. Presented at Cass Business School (London, September 2016) and at the Humboldt University during the 7th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility (Berlin, September 2016).
- Spicer, A., Lindley, D., Gond, J-P., Mosonyi, S., Jaser, Z., Marti, E. & Petersen, H. (2016). Cultural Change in the FCA, PRA & Bank of England: Practising What They Preach? New City Agenda and Cass Business School Research Report. Presented in the House of Commons (London, October 2016).
- Spicer, A., Gond, J-P., Patel, K., Lindley, D., Fleming, P., Mosonyi, S., Benoit, C. & Parker, S. (2014). A Report on the Culture of British Retail Banking. New City Agenda and Cass Business School Research Report. Presented in the House of Commons (London, November 2014).
Book chapters
- Mosonyi, S. (2023) Organizational History and Evolution of Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). In: Idowu, S., Schmidpeter, R., Capaldi, N., Zu, L., Del Baldo, M., Abreu, R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management. Springer, Cham.
- Mosonyi, S. (2023) Knowledge Management in Management Consultancy. In: Gallouj, F., Gallouj, C., Monnoyer, M.-C., Rubalcaba, L., Scheuer, M. (eds) Elgar Encyclopedia of Services. Elgar Encyclopedias in the Social Sciences series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Conference papers
- Gond, J.-P. & Mosonyi, S., What does not kill you, makes you stronger: Striving for deliberative governance at the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment. 35th Conference of the European Group for Organization Studies (July 2020, Hamburg [online]) / The PRI Academic Week (October 2020, online)
- Mosonyi, S., Gond, J.-P. & Empson, L. Shooting for the stars: Co-constructing a professional mandate for corporate social responsibility. 76th Annual Meeting of The Academy of Management. (August 2018, Chicago, USA) / 33rd Conference of the European Group for Organization Studies (July 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Mosonyi, S., Gond, J.-P. & Empson, L. Relational responses to paradoxical tensions in CSR consultants’ identity work. 77th Annual Meeting of The Academy of Management. (August 2019, Boston, USA) / 34th European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium (July 2018, Tallinn, Estonia) / Stockholm School of Economics / SAID Business School Conference on Professional Service Firms. (July 2017, Stockholm, Sweden).
- Mosonyi, S. (2016) United we stand, divided we fall: Relationships between corporate responsibility and sustainability professionals. 7th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility. (September 2016, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany)
- Mosonyi, S., Gond, J-P., Empson, L. (2016) Knowledge, identity and power: Taking stock of management consulting research. 76th Annual Meeting of The Academy of Management. (August 2016, Anaheim, USA)
- Mosonyi, S., Gond, J-P., Empson, L. (2016) 25 years of theorising: Management consultants as pretexts, contexts, service providers, practitioners and subjects. 32nd European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium (July 2016, Naples, Italy)
Invited presentations
- Mastering the complexity of client-consultant relationships. Virtual showcase organised by the Centre for Management Consulting Excellence (CMCE) established by the Worshipful Company of Management Consultants for the 2020 CMCE Research Award (23 June 2021)
- The Role of Consultants in Responsible Practices: Fashion-setters or legitimisers. Conference organized by La Chaire Ethique et Gouvernement d'Entreprise (EGE) (January 2017, Dauphine University, Paris, France)
Current Doctoral Students:
Dyah Adi Sriwahyuni, ‘The introduction of knowledge management in tax administration: an institutional perspective analysis – a case study in the Indonesian Directorate General of Taxes.
Dr Mosonyi would very much welcome prospective doctoral students with an interest in and wanting to carry out qualitative research in the broad areas of:
- Responsible investment/ESG
- Corporate responsibility/sustainability/climate change
- Business ethics
- Professions/professionalism/management consulting
- Responsible leadership
Public Engagement
Through commissioned research and advisory roles, Szilvia regularly engages with organizations seeking to better understand processes and practices around corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability, and ESG. In 2021, she contributed to a research report for the International Labor Organization (ILO) on CSR functions’ impact on the workplace.
Currently, she is a qualitative research advisor to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and manages a research project examining the organizations’ institutional history.
Szilvia also organizes the local London and South East England network for the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) UK & Ireland Chapter and she is the PRME coordinator for the School of Business and Management.
Szilvia is a regular reviewer at top peer-reviewed journals, such as Human Relations, Business & Society, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Management Studies. She received the ‘Best Reviewer Award 2020’ from Business & Society.