Martha Prevezer is Professor of Governance and Economic History. She specialises in corporate governance and institutional, technological and regional development. She has been at QMUL in the School of Business and Management since 2005. Prior to that she held positions at City University, South Bank University, London Business School, the Bank of England and the National Economic Development Office. She holds a PhD (1986) in Economic History from the University of London and the European University Institute in Florence, an MSc in Economics (1981) from Birkbeck College, University of London, a BA in History and Economics (1980) from Cambridge University and a BA in English Literature (1991) from Birkbeck College, University of London.
Research Interests:
My research over the years has been on two main themes: geographical industrial clustering and the emergence of new technologies in developed and emerging markets and the institutions associated with those processes; and comparative corporate governance and the institutions of governance and ownership of firms, also across developed and emerging markets.
I am currently working on a book for Routledge: Varieties of Capitalism in History, Transition and Emergence: new perspectives on institutional development. The book is about institutional development, meaning both fundamental institutions of property rights, contract enforcement institutions, coercion constraining institutions; and also comparative corporate governance institutions governing the balance between stock markets, banks, different ownership structures and control. It joins up the debates over the role of fundamental institutions as essential for economic growth and development of poor countries with the work on Varieties of Capitalism and the institutional variation across developed countries in terms of institutions of corporate governance. The book compares the history of institutional development in Britain, in Continental Europe and the US, and in China and Tanzania.
Centre and Group Membership:
- Prevezer, M. (2017). Varieties of capitalism in history, transition and emergence.
- Capital Markets and Corporate Governance, 1994 eds Dimsdale and Prevezer, OUP
- The Dynamics of Industrial Clustering in Computing and Biotechnology, 1998, eds Swann, Prevezer and Stout, OUP
Journal articles
- Wang, Y., Ning, L. and Prevezer, M. (2015). Technological diversification in China from 1986 to 2011: Evidence from patent data. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 99, pp.54-66.
- Wang Y, Ning L, Li J, Prevezer M (2014) “Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers and the Geography of Innovation in Chinese Regions: The Role of Regional Industrial Specialization and Diversity”, Regional Studies
- A comparison of industrial clustering in computing and biotechnology, with Peter Swann Research Policy, 1996 vol 25
- The dynamics of industrial clustering in biotechnology, Small Business Economics 1997 vol 9 no 3
- UK Biotechnology: Institutional Linkages, Technology Transfer and the Role of Intermediaries, with Simon Shohet, R&D Management Journal 1997 vol 26 no 3
- Ingredients in the early development of the US biotechnology industry, Small Business Economics 2001, vol 17
- The Firm in the Information Age: Organizational Responses to Technological Change in the Processed Foods sector, with Howard Cox and Simon Mowatt, Industrial and Corporate Change, 2002, 11, 1
- Technology Policies in generating biotechnology clusters: a comparison of China and the US, European Planning Studies 2008 vol 16 no 3
- Institutions and New Firm Entry: how and why do entry rates differ in emerging markets, with Saul Estrin, Economic Systems 2010 vol 34 no 3
- The role of informal institutions in corporate governance across the BRIC countries, with Saul Estrin, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2011, volume 28 no 1
- What can CIS data tell us about technological regimes and persistence of innovation? with Marion Frenz, Industry and Innovation 2012 vol 19 no 4.
- Regional innovation and performance: the role of absorptive capacity, industrial structure and collaborative networks in the Chinese provinces of Hubei and Hunan, with Pietro Panzarasa and Li Jian, Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship, 2013 vol 5 no 3
- Foreign Direct Investment and the Geography of Innovation in Chinese Regions: the role of FDI spillovers and regional industrial specialization and diversity, Regional Studies 2014 with Yuandi Wang, Li Jian and Lutao Ning
Chapters in books
- Capital and Control: an overview of City-Industry relations, in Britain’s Economic Performance 1st edition, eds Buxton, Chapman and Temple 1994 Routledge, reprinted in Models of Capitalism: Debating Strengths and Weaknesses, ed David Coates, 2003 Edward Elgar
- Corporate Governance: the UK compared with Germany and Japan, with Martin Ricketts in Capital Markets and Corporate Governance eds Dimsdale and Prevezer 1994 OUP
- Policy-induced clustering: the emergence of biotechnology clusters on the east coast of China, chapter 6 of Cluster Genesis: the emergence of technology clusters 2006 eds Braunerhjelm and Feldman, OUP
- Fairtrade governance and its impact on local development: a framework, in The Practices and Processes of Fairtrade, 2012 eds Granville and Dine, Routledge
Current Doctoral Students:
1st Supervisor
- Ku'ulei Lewis, 'A tale of two firms. A comparative case study on the effects of scale and biodiversity efforts in the organic foods and cosmetics industries'
- Soo Jung Oh, 'What makes open innovation closed? - Focusing on the difference between R&D and supply networks'
PhD Supervision Completions:
(whilst at the School of Business and Management, QMUL)
- Jaume Martorell-Cruz, 'Institutional Participation and Economic Growth in Eurozone Coordinated Market Economies.' Awarded 2020
- Ioana Jipa-Musat, 'Varieties of capitalism in East and Central Europe, with particular reference to Romania.' Awarded 2020
- Li Dai, 'An Empirical Study of the Return to Education in the Case of China. Awarded 2019