Dr Lilian Schofield
Senior Lecturer in Non-Profit Management Practice; Deputy Director of Education (student experience); Academic Lead, Undergraduate Year in Industry Programmes.
Email: l.schofield@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 6543
Room Number: Room 3.30a, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus
Lilian Schofield is a Senior Lecturer in Non-Profit Management with a background in Public Administration and International Development. Her current teaching interests are (i) Non-profit management (ii) International Development (iii) social change, and (iv) Critical management pedagogy. Before joining QMUL, Lilian taught at the Development Planning Unit (DPU), University College London (UCL), in the MSc Development Administration and Planning programme. Her teaching experience includes teaching at the Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management, UCL and at Birkbeck, University of London.
Lilian completed her PhD in the Department of Human and Built Environment at the University of Salford, Greater Manchester. She holds an MA in International Development, majoring in Poverty, Conflict, and Reconstruction from the Institute for Development Policy and Management (IDPM), now the Global Development Institute, University of Manchester, and a BA in Public Administration from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
Lilian is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
- BUS244 European Business Context
- BUSM250 Contemporary Live Project
- BUSM253 Skills and Methods for Contemporary Live Project
Lilian is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
My teaching philosophy is based on building an intellectually stimulating, inclusive and safe learning environment that fosters critical thinking.
Public Engagement
Lilian is the Communication Co-Chair for the Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) of the Academy of Management (AoM).
She served as the academic external panel member for in person Periodic Reviews for international management at PGT level: MSc International Management (MiM) on 21 May 2024
Lilian is external examiner for the Master of Business Administration with Professional Placement (2023), Lancashire School of Business and Enterprise.
Some of her public engagement include:
- Journal of Further and Higher Education (2024).
- Academy of Management Annual Meeting Reviewer (2023)
- Progress in Development Studies reviewer (2023)
- Queen Mary University of London’s academic representative in tripartite review with employers for the Degree Apprenticeships-BSc Business Management (Social Change) (2020 –2023).
- Participant in the Diasporans in Humanitarian Assistance event by Shabaka in partnership with Meta (2023).
Guest Lectures:
- January 2025: Association for Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE) presentation on AI in teaching and learning conceptual framework.
- October 2024: Manchester Metropolitan University I-TELL Online event: Global Classrooms, Local Challenges: Reflections on Managing International Postgraduate Cohorts.
- Aid workers communities, relationships and identities. Development Planning Unit, University College London (2023).
- Civil Society and NGOs: Filling the gaps. Development Planning Unit, University College London (2021, 2022, 2024).
Scholarly Contributions
Journal papers
- Zhou, X. and Schofield, L. (2024) “Developing a conceptual framework for Artificial Intelligence (AI) literacy in higher education”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, (31). DOI: https://doi.org/10.47408/jldhe.vi31.1354.
- Zhou, X. and Schofield, L. (2024). Using social learning theories to explore the role of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in collaborative learning. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47408/jldhe.vi30.1031
- Schofield, L. N. (2022). The Workings and Effects of Precarious Employment on Black Women Educators in Development Studies: An Autoethnographic Account of an International Fieldtrip. Progress in Development Studies, 22(3), 305–311. https://doi.org/10.1177/14649934221089085
Educational Magazines
- Schofield, L. & Zhou, X. (2024). Reflections on the student-led business case competition in promoting students’ sustainability awareness. https://www.seda.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Ed-Devs-25.2_JUNE_2024-1.pdf
- Zhou, X., Schofield, L., Zhang, J., Abuelmaatti, A., and Howell, L. (2024). Building Bridges in AI: Enhancing AI Literacy for Students and Staff Across Disciplines. Staff and Educational Development Association Magazine. Issue 25.3. https://www.seda.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Educational-Developments-25.3-September-2024.pdf
Peer-reviewed blogs
- Schofield, L. & Zhang, J.J. (2024). Spotlight on the inclusion process in developing AI guidance and policy. Available: https://srheblog.com/?p=4921&preview=1&_ppp=8db0186ba
- Schofield, L. & Zhou, X. (2024). Policing AI use by counting ‘telltale’ words is flawed and damaging. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/blog/policing-ai-use-counting-telltale-words-flawed-and-damaging
- Schofield, L. & Zhou, X. (2024). Practical examples of integrating generative AI into the learning activities of the capstone project module. BERA blog. https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/practical-examples-of-integrating-generative-ai-into-the-learning-activities-of-the-capstone-project-module
- Zhou, X., and Schofield, L. (2024) A Model to Enhance Students’ AI Literacy. https://www.aacsb.edu/insights/articles/2024/11/a-model-to-enhance-students-ai-literacy
- Zhou, X. & Schofield, L. (2024). “Effective supporting mechanism for education-focused academics” Advance HE. https://advance-he.ac.uk/news-and-views/effective-supporting-mechanisms-education-focused-academics (04/06/2024).
- Zhou, X., Hathaway, G. & Schofield, L. (2024). Is a learning experience inauthentic if it doesn’t embrace AI? Dynamic Conversation, Chartered Association of Business Schools. CABS, available from (20/05/2024). DOI: 13140/RG.2.2.22794.68800.
- Schofield, L. & Morrison, L.D. (2023). Educators’ approach to ‘silence’ and ‘listening differently. https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/educators-approach-to-silence-and-listening-differentlyhttps://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/educators-approach-to-silence-and-listening-differently
- Schofield, and Morrison D. L. (2021) ‘Beyond the outbreak and imagining the aftermath: Emerging issues from the global south.’ Outcome of 2020 colloquium held at QMUL and presented at the Development Studies Association 2021 conference and published in SBM blog.
Other scholarly blogs
- Schofield, L. (2019). Innovative and transformative learning as a strategic pathway to Development. https://ukapes.org/innovative-and-transformative-learning-as-a-strategic-pathway-to-development-by-dr-lililan-n-schofield/
- Schofield, L. (2017). Women’s Political Participation in Somaliland. https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/dpublog/2017/02/20/womens-political-participation-somaliland/
- Schofield, L. (2017). New Practices in Urban Transformation: Towards Inclusionary Heritage.https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/dpublog/2017/12/04/new-practices-urban-transformation-towards-inclusionary-heritage-27112017/
- Schofield, L. (2017). MSc Development Administration and Planning 2017 Fieldtrip. Recount of the visit to the Bujjuko Low-Cost Housing Demonstration.https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/dpublog/2017/06/15/msc-development-administration-planning-2017-fieldtrip-recount-visit-bujjuko-low-cost-housing-demonstration-component-decent-living-project-implemented-shelter-settleme/
- Schofield, L. (2016). Lebanon and the Syrian refugee crisis – Lessons to be learnt.https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/dpublog/2016/12/02/lebanon-syrian-refugee-crisis-lessons-learnt/
- Schofield, L. (2016). Understanding how development intervention is planned and implemented in Kampala, Uganda.https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/dpublog/2016/06/20/development-administration-and-planning-understanding-how-development-intervention-is-planned-and-implemented-in-kampala-uganda/
- Schofield, L.; Zhou, X., & Mosonyi, S. (2024). Incorporating generative AI into capstone projects to enhance student's skills in critical feedback, problem-solving, and creativity. Deep Sea Islands of Innovation 2024 held 10th May, University of Liverpool, UK.
- Schofield, L., Rose, R., & Elston, P. (2024). “Classroom to Real-Life Practices: Practical Applications of Learning by Doing”. Queen Mary, University of London Festival of Education Conference 2024, London, UK.
- Zhou, X., Schofield, L., & Zhang, J. (2024). “How can I ethically and effectively use AI-powered tools for my learning if you won’t teach me? Enhancing AI Literacy through AI Workshop in Higher Education”. Learning and Teaching Conference, Student Experience 2024 (LTSE), held 14-15th of May, Birmingham, UK.
- Zhou, X., Schofield, L., Zhang, J., Howell, L. & Abuelmaatti, A. (2024). “Empowering the Next Generation: Co-Creating AI Literacy Training Package with Students at the Helm”. Teaching and Learning Conference 2024, held 2-4th July 2024, Nottingham Trent University, UK.
- Zhou, X., Schofield, L., Zhang, J., Howell, L. & Abuelmaatti, A. (2024). “Enhancing Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration: Co-creating AI Skills Enhancement Resources through Student-Staff Best Practice Sharing Sessions”. Queen Mary, University of London Festival of education conference 2024, held 6-7th March 2024, London, UK.
- Zhou, X.; Fang, L., & Schofield, L. (2024). “Are the academic staff AI literate? - A case study of staff perception on Artificial Intelligence adoption in higher education”. SRHE International Research Conference, Nottingham, UK.
- Schofield, L., Zhou, X., Zhang, J., Valez, T., Petrov, G., & Morrison, D. (2023). “ACEing’ learning: Enhancing student’s skills and learning through ‘learning by doing’”. School of Economics and Finance Second International Conference in Education and Scholarship. 10th of November 2023, Queen Mary University of London.
- Schofield, L. & Zhou, X. (2023). “Shaping the future through engagement with consultation projects. A case study of student-staff consultation projects”. Advance HE Teaching and Learning Conference 2022, held 4-6th July 2023, Keele University, UK.
- Schofield, L. & Morrison, D. L. (2023). A critical exploration of approaches to understanding students’ ‘silences’, encouraging students 'voices' and engagement with group collaborative class activities. LTSE conference.
- Schofield, L., Zhou, X., Zhang, J., Durowoju, O. A., Odea, X., & Odea M. (2024). “Integrating generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) inclusively for constructivist-oriented active learning.” The 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, held 9-13 of August 2024, Chicago, Illinois, USA (presenter).
- Schofield, L., Zhou, X., Zhang, J., Valez, T., Petrov, G., & Morrison, D. (2024). “Advancing Business and Management Students' Agency through inclusive experiential learning approaches and authentic assessment in the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI).” Management & Organizational Behaviour Teaching Society (MOBTS) conference, June 27-30, 2024, James Cook University, Singapore.
- Schofield, L., Zhou, X. & Morrison, L.D. (2023). “Closing the gap in responsible management education through student-led extracurricular activities.” The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, held 4-8 August 2023, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Schofield, L. & Zhou, X. (2023). “Where do business schools fit in the conversation of responsible management-as-practice, and what tools and approaches are instrumental for responsible management education?” The 39th EGOS colloquium, held 6-8 July 2023, University of Cagliari, Italy.
Awards and Prizes
My projects have won both institutional and international awards.
- 2024 QMUL Festival of Education poster award: SCHOLARSHIP – Dr Lilian Schofield (2024). ‘ACEing’ for Excellence: Practical insights and approaches to fostering transformative student experiences through ‘Learning by Doing’ approach.
- 2024 QMUL Festival of Education poster award: IMPACT. Collaboration: Co-creating AI Skills Enhancement Resources through Student-Staff Best Practice Sharing Sessions.
- 2024 Winner: President and Principal’s Fund for Educational Excellence Award for the AI literacy project.
- 2024 Shortlisted QS Reimagine Award for AI in Education. Building Bridges in AI: Enhancing AI Literacy Across Disciplines at Queen Mary University of London https://youtu.be/htBU0tAkaRo
- President and Principle’s Fund for Educational Excellence: “Creating an open, co-created and co-guided toolkit to support staff integration of AI literacy and skills into the curricula” – (Sep 2024 – Aug 2025, Principal Investigator)
- President and Principle’s Fund for Educational Excellence: “Co-creating AI best practices in higher education (HE): Building AI skills enhancement resources through interdisciplinary Student-Staff Best Practice Sharing Sessions” – (Sep 2023 – Aug 2024, Co-Investigator).
- Drapers’ Fund for Innovation and Learning and Teaching 23/24: “Innovative and diverse creation of teaching materials in Economics, Finance and Business Management: new approaches in the classroom with co-creating Research-Led, Learning by Doing, Peer-Led Team Learning and Teaching with Historical Perspectives”– (Sep 2023 – Aug 2024, Co-investigator).