Professor Ahu Tatli

Professor of International Human Resource Management
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 2698
Room Number: Room 4.26a, Francis Bancroft Building, Mile End Campus
Office Hours: Tuesday 1.00pm - 3.00pm
- Professor of International Human Resource Management
- Member of the Department of People and Organisations
Ahu Tatli is Professor of International Human Resource Management at Queen Mary University of London where she obtained a PhD. She holds a BSc in Sociology and MA in Political Science.
- BUS124: Work and Employment
- BUS132: Work and Employment in Context
Research Interests:
Ahu conducted research into equality and diversity at work for nearly two decades working with a number of practitioner bodies including Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Arts Council England, Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Her current work focuses on understanding the workings of privilege in organisations and reproduction of status-quo and potentials for agency towards progressive change. With her research, Ahu is particularly interested in contributing to the debate on intersectionality, privilege, equality and diversity through multi-layered sociological theorising.
Ahu’s research is widely published in practitioner and policy outlets, edited collections and several leading journals including Academy of Management Review, British Journal of Management, Gender, Work and Organization, Human Relations, Human Resource Management (USA), International Business Review, and International Journal of Management Reviews, and Work, Employment and Society. Her recent books include Global Diversity Management: An evidence-based approach 2ndEd.(2015, Palgrave) and Pierre Bourdieu, Organisation and Management(2015, Routledge).
Centre and Group Membership:
- Member of the Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity (CRED)
Journal articles
- Seierstad, C., Tatli, A., Aldossari, M. and Huse, M. (2020). Broadening of the field of corporate boards and legitimate capitals: an investigation into the use of gender quotas in corporate boards in Norway. Work, Employment and Society.
- Ozturk, MB., Rumens, N. and Tatli, A.(2020) Age, sexuality and hegemonic masculinity: Exploring older gay men’s masculinity practices at work. Gender Work Organization, 27(6): 1253-1268.
- Healy, G., Tatli, A., Ipek, G., Özturk, M., Seierstad, C. and Wright, T. (2019). In the steps of Joan Acker: A journey in researching inequality regimes and intersectional inequalities. Gender, Work & Organization, 26(12), 1749-1762.
- Yamak, S., Ergur, A., Karatas‐Ozkan, M. and Tatli, A. (2019). CSR and leadership approaches and practices: a comparative inquiry of owners and professional executives. European Management Review, 16(4), 1097-1114.
- Kakabadse, N. K., Tatli, A.,Nicolopoulou, K., Tankibayeva, A. and Mouraviev, N. (2018). A gender perspective on entrepreneurial leadership: female leaders in Kazakhstan. European Management Review, 15(2), 155-170.
- Tatli, A., Ozturk, M. B. and Woo, H. S. (2017) Individualization and marketization of responsibility for gender equality: the case of women managers in China. Human Resource Management, 56: 407–430.
- Özbilgin, M., Tatli, A.,Ipek, G. and Sameer, M. (2016). Four approaches to accounting for diversity in global organisations. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 35: 88-99.
- Ozturk, M. B. andTatli, A.(2016) Gender identity inclusion in the workplace: broadening diversity management research and practice through the case of transgender employees in the UK. The International Journal of Human Resource Management.27 (8): 781-802.
- Nicolopoulou, K., Lucas, I., Tatli, A., Karatas-Ozkan, M., Costanzo, L., Özbilgin, M. and Manville, G. (2015). Questioning the Legitimacy of Social Enterprises through Gramscian and Bourdieusian Perspectives: The Case of British Social Enterprises. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship,6(2): 161-185.
- Tatli, A., Nicolopoulou, K., Özbilgin, M., Karatas-Ozkan, M. and Ozturk, M. (2015) Questioning Impact: Interconnection between Extra-Organizational Resources and Agency of Equality and Diversity Officers. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26: 1243–1258.
- Nentwich, J., Özbilgin, M. and Tatli, A. (2015) Change agency as embodiment and performance: exploring the possibilities and limits of Butler and Bourdieu. Culture and Organization, 21(3): 235–250.
- Tatli, A., Özbilgin, M., Vassilopoulou, J., Forson, C. and Slutskaya, N. (2014)A Bourdieuan Relational Perspective for Entrepreneurship Research. Journal of Small Business Management, 52: 615–632.
- Al-Ariss, A., Özbilgin, M., Tatli, A. and April, K. (2014) Tackling Whiteness in Organizations and Management. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 29(4): 362-369.
- Tatli, A., Vassilopoulou, J. and Özbilgin, M. (2013) An unrequited affinity between talent shortages and untapped female potential: The relevance of gender quotas for talent management in high growth potential economies of the Asia Pacific region. International Business Review, 22: 539-553.
- Jonsen, K., Tatli, A., Özbilgin, M. and Bell, M.P. (2013) The Tragedy of Uncommons: reframing workforce diversity, Human Relations, 66: 271–294.
- Tatli, A., Vassilopoulou, J., Al Ariss, A. and Özbilgin, M. (2012) The role of regulatory and temporal context in the construction of diversity discourses: The case of the UK, France and Germany. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 18: 293-308.
- Tatli, A.(2012) On the Power and Poverty of Critical (Self) Reflection in Critical Management Studies. British Journal of Management, 23: 22-30. Emerald Citations of Excellence Award for 2015
- Tatli, A., and Özbilgin, M. (2012) Surprising intersectionalities of inequality and privilege: the case of the arts and cultural sector. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 31: 249-265. Emerald 2013 Highly Commended Paper Award
- Tatli, A.and Özbilgin, M. (2012) An emic approach to intersectional study of diversity at work: A Bourdieuan framing. International Journal of Management Reviews, 14: 180-200.
- Klarsfeld, A. Ng, E. andTatli, A. (2012) Social Regulation and Diversity Management: Findings from France, Canada, and the UK. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 18: 309-327.
- Tatli, A.(2011) A Multi-layered exploration of the diversity management field: diversity discourses, practices and practitioners in the UK. British Journal of Management, 22: 238-253.
- Özbilgin, M. and Tatli, A.(2011) Mapping out the field of equality and diversity: Rise of individualism and voluntarism. Human Relations, 64: 1229 – 1258.)
- Özbilgin, M., Beauregard, T.A., Tatli, A.and Bell, M.P. (2011) Work-Life, Diversity and Intersectionality: A Critical Review and Research Agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 13: 177-198.
- Bridgstock, R., Lettice, F., Özbilgin, M. and Tatli, A.(2010) Diversity management for innovation in social enterprises. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 22: 557-574.)
- Tatli, A., and Özbilgin, M. (2009) Understanding Diversity Managers’ Role in Organizational Change: Towards a Conceptual Framework. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 26: 244-258.
- Nicolopoulou, K., Karatas-Ozkan, M., and Tatli, A.(2007) Global Knowledge Work and Workers - New Directions from Diversity and Equality Perspectives. Equal Opportunities International, 26(8), 737-742.
- Özbilgin, M and Tatli, A.(2005) Understanding Bourdieu’s Contribution to Organization and Management Studies.Academy of Management Review 30(4),855-877.
- Tatli, A., Özbilgin, M. and Karatas-Ozkan, M. (eds.) (2015) Pierre Bourdieu, Organisation and Management.New York: Routledge.
- Özbilgin, M., Tatli, A.and Jonsen, K. (2015) Global Diversity Management, 2ndLondon and New York: Palgrave.
- Klarsfeld, A., Booysen, L., Ng, E., Roper, I. & Tatli, A.(eds.) (2014) International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work, 2nd Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Nicolopoulou, K., Karataş-Ozkan, M., Tatli, A., and Taylor, J. (eds.) (2011)Global Knowledge Work: Diversity and Relational Perspectives. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Özbilgin, M. and Tatli, A.(2008) Global Diversity Management: An Evidence-Based Approach.London and New York: Palgrave.
Book chapters
- Schneidhofer, T., Hofbauer, J. and Tatli, A.(2020) On the agency/structure debate in careers research: a bridge over troubled water. In H. Gunz, M. Lazarova, & W. Mayrhofer (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Career Studies, pp. 59-74. London: Routledge.
- Ozturk, M. B., and Tatli, A.(2018). Sexuality, gender identity and career journeys. In Broadbridge, A. & Fielden, S. (eds) Research Handbook of Diversity and Careers, pp. 407-21. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Pinnington, A. H., Alshamsi, A., Özbilgin, M., Tatli, A., and Vassilopoulou, J. (2018). Macro talent management in the United Arab Emirates: Developing more informative government perspectives. In Macro Talent Management in Emerging and Emergent Markets, pp. 167-190. New York: Routledge.
- Tatli, A., Ozturk, M. B., and Aldossari, M. (2018). Equal opportunity and workforce diversity in Asia. In F. L. Cooke & S. Kim (eds.) Routledge Handbook of HRM in Asia, pp. 256-71. Oxon, New York: Routledge.
- Tatli, A.(2017). Diversity Management as a Career: Professional Identity of Diversity Managers as a Multi-level and Political Construct. In J-F. Chanlat & M. Özbilgin (eds.) Management and Diversity: Thematic Approaches, pp. 283-317. Emerald Press.
- Vassilopoulou, J., Tatli, A., Ozbilgin, M., Pinnington, A. H., and Alshamsi, A. M. (2016). Identifying Effective Talent Management Policies and Practices in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In B. Christiansen (ed.) Comparative Political and Economic Perspectives on the MENA Region, pp. 292-305. IGI Global.
- Tatli, A., Özbilgin, M. and Karatas-Ozkan, M. (2015) Management and organisation studies meet Pierre Bourdieu. In Tatli, A., Özbilgin, M. and Karatas-Ozkan, M. (eds.) Pierre Bourdieu, Organisation and Management, pp. 1-18. New York: Routledge.
- Lewis, C. and Tatli, A. (2015) Leadership and diversity management in a global context. In J. Syed & M. Özbilgin (eds.) Managing diversity and inclusion: An international perspective, pp. 47-77. Sage.
- Ozturk, M. B., A. and Ozbilgin, M. (2015). Global diversity management: breaking the local impasse. In Bendl, R., Bleijenbergh, I., Henttonen, E. & Mills, A. (eds.). Oxford Handbook of Diversity in Organisations, 370-387. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jonsen, K., Tatli, A., and Özbilgin, M. (2014) Equal Opportunity. In Den Hartog D. & Vodosek M. (eds.) Wiley Encyclopaedia of Management (3rd ed.), Volume 6 International Management. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Tatli, A., Jonsen, K., Karatas-Ozkan, M., Özbilgin, M., Nicolopoulou, K., Amaeshi, K., Atewologun, A. and Beauregard, A. (2014) Reciprocity as a Way forward for Corporate Social Responsibility and Diversity Management Research. In M. Karatas-Ozkan, K. Nicolopoulou, & M. Özbilgin (eds.), Corporate social responsibility and human resource management: diversity perspective, pp. 10-30. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Forson, C., Özbilgin, M., Ozturk, M. and Tatli, A.(2014) Multi-level analysis and multi-methods strategies in entrepreneurship research. Chell, E. and Karataş-Ozkan, M. (eds.) Handbook of Research in Small Business and Entrepreneurship, pp. 54-69. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Tatli, A., Berry, D., Ipek, G. and April, K. (2014) Self-initiated expatriation: case study lessons Africa and the United States. In M. Özbilgin, D. Groutsis & W. Harvey (eds.) International Human Resource Management, pp. 214-235. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.
- Vassilopoulou, J., Jonsen, K., Özbilgin, M., and Tatli, A.(2014) Multiculturalism at work: Examples from the UK and Germany. In K. M. Thomas, V. Plaut & M. Tran (Eds)Diversity Ideologies in Organizations, pp. 269-280. New York: Routledge.
- Klarsfeld, A., Booysen, L., Ng, E., Roper, I. and Tatli, A.(2014) Introduction: Equality and diversity in 14 countries – analysis and summary. In A. Klarsfeld et al. (eds.) International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work, 2nd Edition, pp. 1-12. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Roper, I. and Tatli, A.(2014) Recent developments in the equality and diversity agenda in the UK: the ‘big society’ under austerity. In Klarsfeld, A. et al. (eds.) International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work, 2nd Edition, pp. 266-280. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Özbilgin, M.F., Jonsen, K., Tatli, A., Vassilopoulou, J., and Surgevil, O. (2013) Global diversity management. Roberson, Q. (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Research on Diversity at Work, pp. 419-441. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Nicolopoulou, K., Karataş-Ozkan, M., Tatli, A., and Taylor, J., (2011) An introduction to global knowledge work as a relational phenomenon. In Nicolopoulou, K., Karataş-Ozkan, M., Tatli, A., and Taylor, J. (eds.) Global Knowledge Work: Diversity and Relational Perspectives.Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Tatli, A.and Alasia, S. (2010) Resources and constraints of diversity and equality officers: theoretical and practitioner reflections. In G.Healy, G. Kirton, & M. Noon (eds.) Equality, Inequalities and Diversity: contemporary challenges and strategies, pp. 122-136. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Tatli, A.(2010) Discourses and Practices of Diversity Management in the UK. In A. Klarsfeld (ed.) International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work: Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Özbilgin, M. and Tatli, A.(2009) Career Constraint in the Creative and Cultural Industries in London. In Malach-Pines, A. and Ozbilgin, M. (eds.) Career Choice in Management and Entrepreneurship: a research companion. London: Edward Elgar.
- Özbilgin, M. and Tatli, A.(2009) Agency in Management of Change: relationality, situatedness and foresight. Costanzo, L.A. and MacKay, R.B. (eds.) The Handbook of Research in Strategy and Foresight. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Tatli, A., Özbilgin, M. and Küskü, F. (2008) Gendered Occupational Outcomes: the case of professional training and work in Turkey. In Eccles, J. and Watt, H. (eds.), Explaining Gendered Occupational Outcomes. Michigan: APA Press.
- Tatli, A.and Özbilgin, M. (2008) Diversity Management as Calling: Sorry, it’s the wrong number! In Koall, I., Bruchhagen, V. and Höher, F. (eds.) Diversity Outlooks - Managing Diversity. Hamburg: LIT-Verlag Münster.
- Tatli, A.(2005) Strategic aspects of international human resource management. In Ozbilgin, M. (ed.) International Human Resource Management. London: Palgrave.
Practitioner publications
- Özbilgin, M. Tatli, A., Ipek, G. and Sameer, M. (2014) The business case for diversity management. London: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) / Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
- Özbilgin, M., Tatli, A., Vassilopoulou, J., Pinnington, A. and Alshamsi, A. (2013) Movers and Shakers of Talent Management in the UAE for 21st Century. Abu Dhabi: United Arab Emirates Federal Demographic Council (FDC).
- Özbilgin, M. and Tatli, A.(2008) Work Placement Toolkit for Students, Universities and Arts and Cultural Organisations. London: ACE/LCACE.
- Özbilgin, M., Mulholland, G., Tatli, A. and Worman, D. (2008) Managing Diversity in Practice: Supporting Business Goals.London: CIPD.
- Tatli, A., Mulholland, G., Özbilgin, M. and Worman, D. (2007) Managing Diversity and the Business Case: Research into Practice. London: CIPD.
- Özbilgin, M. and Tatli A.(2007) Opening up Opportunities through Private Sector Recruitment and Guidance Agencies. Working Paper Series, 50. Manchester: EOC.
- Tatli, A., Ozbilgin, M., Worman, D. and Price, E. (2007) Diversity in Business, A Focus for Progress. London: CIPD.
- Tatli, A., Ozbilgin, M., Mulholland, G. and Worman, D. (2006) Managing Diversity Measuring Success. London: CIPD.
- Tatli, A., Ozbilgin, M., Worman, D. and Price, E. (2006) Diversity in Business, How Much Progress Have Employers Made? London: CIPD.
- Ozbilgin, M. and Tatli, A.(2006) Developing a Diagnostic Check for Equality. Manchester: EOC.
- Ozbilgin, M. and Tatli, A.(2006) Scoping of London Based Higher Education Institute Work Placement Practices within the Creative and Cultural Industries: research report. London: LCACE.
- Healy, G., Kirton, G., Ozbilgin, M., Calveley, M., Forson, C., Oikelome, F. and Tatli, A. (2006)Assessment Centres for Judicial Appointments and Diversity. London: DCA.
Grants, Contracts and Awards:
- Principal Sponsor (2017) Queen Mary, HSS Distinguished Visiting Fellowships for Professor Belle Rose Ragins, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
- Principal Sponsor (2015) Queen Mary, HSS Distinguished Visiting Fellowships for Professor Myrtle Bell, University of Texas.
- Co-Principal Investigator (2013-2014) Business case for diversity. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) / Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
- Co-Principal Investigator (2012) ‘Movers and shakers of talent management in the UAE for 21st century’, funded by Federal Demographic Council, United Arab Emirates.
- Principal Investigator (2011-2012) ‘The scope and consequences of compulsory heterosexuality in Turkey for employment and life experiences of LGBT individuals’, funded by Queen Mary, University of London (School of Business and Management seed-corn funding).
- Co-Investigator (2007-2008) ‘Developing a Toolkit for Employability in the Creative and Cultural Enterprises in the UK’, funded by the Arts Council England.
- Co-Investigator (2006- 2007) ‘Scoping Study of Work Placement Practices in the Creative and Cultural Industries in London’, funded by the London Centre for Arts and Cultural Exchange.
- Principal Investigator (2006) ‘Diversity Management: state of the nation’, funded by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
- Co-Investigator (2006) ‘From Local to Global Art: career journeys of global artists’, funded by the London Centre for Arts and Cultural Exchange.
- Co-Investigator (2006) ‘Developing a Diagnostic Equality Check’, funded by the Equal Opportunities Commission.
- Co-Investigator (2006) ‘Equal Opportunities in Private Sector Employment and Advice Agencies’, funded by the Equal Opportunities Commission.
Areas of Supervision Expertise:
Ahu Tatli is interested in supervising PhDs in the following areas:
- Privilege, disadvantage and discrimination in organisations
- Gender, work and careers
- Inequalities at work based on race and ethnicity, social class background, religion and belief, gender identity and sexual orientation
- Diversity management in organisations
Current Doctoral Candidates:
1st Supervisor
- Sabeen Ahmad, 'Contextualizing diversity: a study of transnational transfer of diversity management practices to subsidiaries of multinational organizations in Pakistan'
- Vick Bain, 'Gender inequality in the UK music industry.'
- Ranjita Neogi, 'Exploring the Capital Accumulation and Conversion: South-Asian Migrant Businesses in the UK.'
- Manesha Peiris, 'Exploring Women’s Practice of Entrepreneurship: the case of Sri Lanka.'
- Zinabu Shaibu, 'An investigation of the Impact of Talent Management on Gender and Religion Diversity: the case of the Public Sector in Ghana'
2nd Supervisor
- Anita Maharaj, 'South Africa vs. UK: the role of situational and organisational factors in the facilitation or conflict of leader identities and their race/gender'
- Irawati Parnerkar, 'Gender Inequality in the Finance Industry: an Empirical Exploration Using a Bourdieusian Framework'
- Edith Pick, 'Diversity discourse and politics of difference in the UK Jewish charity sector.'
PhD Supervision Completions:
- Dr Clifford Lewis, 'Gender, race and the social construction of leadership in organisations: A South African case study.' Awarded 2016.
- Dr Gulce Ipek, 'Privilege, careers and the Civil Service in Britain.' Awarded 2015