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School of Business and Management

Dr Nick Tsitsianis


Programme Director for MSc Accounting and Finance, Reader in Accounting

Room Number: Room 4.25G, Francis Bancroft Building (4th Floor), Mile End Campus
Office Hours: Monday 15.15 - 16.15; Wednesday 13.55 - 14.55




I have a PhD in Labour Economics and Micro econometrics from Brunel University (Department of Economics and Finance). Before joining School of Business and Management I held academic positions at Brunel University (Department of Economics and Finance), University Of Kent at Canterbury (Department of Economics) and University of Hertfordshire Business School (Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics).

Research: My research focuses on analysing firms, financial and accounting performance, corporate governance and individual labour market trends as well as well-being. Recently, I have started to look into carbon emissions and sustainability reporting as well as Big Data Analytics.  My research has been published among others in Critical Perspectives in Accounting, Accounting Forum, Studies in Higher Education, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation and Economics Letters. I have also managed to published 4 books and 3 book chapters as well as 4 impact reports.

Teaching: My teaching portfolio ranges from labour economics to research methods and from financial and business analysis to accounting (financial and management).  I have also developed and taught two non-credit modules (one for undergraduate students and one for post-graduate students)

Teaching Development: I have contributed two modules (Managerial Economics and Financial Reporting Analysis) to the Global MBA which is hosted by the QMUL.

PhD -Supervision:  I am currently supervising five full-time PhD students, I have recorded eight (8) Doctoral Completions and I have conducted six (8) PhD Vivas as an External Examiner.

External Examiner: Manchester Business School, Brunel Business School, Brunel University Department of Economics and Finance and University of Coventry

Past Academic/Leadership Roles: My administration experience ranged from Director of Student Engagement and Experience, Programme Directorships at UG and PG level and Student Admissions Management.

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