Jiahui Hao

Email: jiahui.hao@qmul.ac.uk
I am a currently PhD student in Business and Management at Queen Mary University of London. I obtained qualifications with Master of Science in Banking and Finance at Queen Mary University of London, which also Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours in Business With Finance at University of Greenwich.
Project title
The Impact between Foreign Initial Public Offering and Bilateral Relations
Project description
There are a large amount of companies deciding to launched their initial public offers on foreign host country capital markets, rather than home country capital markets. My research will be focus on the impact of bilateral relations on cross-border IPO pricing from the perspective of information asymmetry theory. By analysing the factors of international relations, venture capital dynamic and IPO strategies, the proposed Research on Bilateral relations and cross-border IPO underpricing, with a focus on the moderating role of venture capital, can add considerable amount of insights to existing literatures.
Supervisor: Dr Deven Bathia