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School of Business and Management

Dr Joyce Mamode


Post-Doctoral Researcher



Joyce Mamode is a post-doctoral researcher, currently working with Professor Tessa Wright, Co-Director of CRED, on an ESRC funded project, ‘Buying Social Justice through Procurement’.  Prior to taking up this role in November 2021, Joyce was the Head of Assisted Transport for Transport for London (TfL), responsible for developing new strategic approaches to transport provision for older and disabled Londoners, who face barriers to using public transport. Before joining TfL, initially as an inaugural member of the TfL Board, Joyce was a researcher for a major trade union (the Transport and General Workers’ Union, now part of Unite).

Joyce’s PhD research examined the contribution being made by trade union equality representatives to union modernisation. It was undertaken part-time at Warwick Business School, whilst Joyce continued to work at TfL on London’s Assisted Transport strategy. Joyce also holds an MSc in Occupational Psychology from Birkbeck (University of London) and a BSc in Psychology (Newcastle University).  

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