Jurate Cingiene

Email: j.cingiene@qmul.ac.uk
Project title
Exploring meanings of work-nonwork boundaries
Project description
The current work-nonwork interface literature tends to conceptualise work and nonwork as distinct. Such an understanding is less relevant in jobs based on new ways of working and information communication technologies. Knowledge-intensive jobs, in particular, have work-nonwork boundaries that are often blurred. My research explores consultants’ experiences and constructions of the distinctions between work and nonwork, including the absence of distinction. The research questions are: ‘How do consultants experience and construct the distinction between work and nonwork?’ and ‘How does professional context shape consultants’ boundary experiences?’ Using an inductive qualitative research approach, I will conduct in-depth interviews and qualitative daily diaries with consultants in global consulting firms based in the UK. The data will be analysed using reflexive thematic analysis.
Joined supervisors: Professor Rob Briner and Dr Elena Doldor
Jurate is a dynamic scholar who combines professional experience in organisational psychology and management research with an academic background. After completing a master's degree in Organisational Psychology at City University, she worked for almost ten years at a global consulting firm in London. Her research is influenced by personal and professional observations on managing demanding yet flexible work schedules. With her research, Jurate aims to offer insights into developing a more nuanced approach to work-nonwork boundaries in today's flexible work environments.
- Twitter: @Work_and_Family
Centre and Group Membership
- PhD Candidate of the Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity (CRED)
- Cingiene, J. (2024). The interplay of emotions and institutions: A critical examination of work-nonwork boundaries in modern workplaces. A paper has been fully accepted to the 40th The European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2024, hosted by the University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy, and will be presented July 4–6, 2024.
- Cingiene, J. (2024). Meanings of Work-Nonwork Boundaries. A paper has been fully accepted to British Academy of Management 2024, at Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK, and will be presented on September 2nd, 2024; https://www.bam.ac.uk/events-landing/bam2024-conference.html
- Cingiene, J. (2024). Academics’ Experiences of Boundaries of Work and Nonwork. The 3rd Conference of the Researcher Mental Health Observatory (ReMO 2024) in 14-16 May, Budapest. Presented a paper on the problematizing review: https://projects.tib.eu/fileadmin/data/remo/docs/ReMO2024Programme.pdf
- Cingiene, J. (2023) Micro and Macro Ways of Seeing in Qualitative Research in Organisations: Illustrated by a Study on the Meanings of Work-Nonwork Boundaries in Professional Services Organisations. Interpretative Method/ology Development Workshop in Organization Studies, Palermo (Italy), Palazzo Butera. Fieldwork 2018-2019, and Maternity leave -30/09/2019 to 30/09/2021, therefore no work has been presented or published.
- Cingiene, J. (2018). When work is nonwork and nonwork is work: a phenomenological study of knowledge professionals’ definitions of “work“ and "nonwork“, PhD symposium, School of Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London
- Cingiene, J. (2017). Work-Nonwork Ambiguity and Conflict in Knowledge Intensive Firms, the 7th International Conference of Work and Family, IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Barcelona
- Cingiene, J. (2017). Work-Nonwork Conflict in Knowledge Intensive Firms: Can We Challenge the Ideal Worker Norm to Encourage Diversity and Inclusion? 10th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Brunel Business School, Brunel University London, UK
- Cingiene, J. (2015). Dynamic Conceptualisations of Work-Nonwork Conflict, EAWOP- European Association of Work and organizational Psychology conference, Norway
- Cingiene, J. (2015). Sentiment analysis of manager and employee write-in comments related to organisational change, EAWOP- European Association of Work and organizational Psychology conference, Norway
- Cingiene, J. (2015). Work/non-work interface research: Are we there yet? An overview of EAWOP 2015, The Work-Life Balance Working Group Newsletter, Vol 7, British Psychological Society, Division of Occupational Psychology, https://shop.bps.org.uk/publications/publications-by-subject/occupational/dop-work-life-balance-working-group-newsletter-vol-7-summer-2015.html
- Cingiene, J. (2014). Diary: Training Workshop Review. The Work-Life Balance Working Group Newsletter, Vol 5, British Psychological Society, Division of Occupational Psychology, http://shop.bps.org.uk/dop-work-life-balance-working-group-newsletter-vol-5-spring-2014.html
- Cingiene, J. (2012). Researching The Work/Non-Work Interface. OP Matters, British Psychological Society, Division of Occupational Psychology, Number 16. http://shop.bps.org.uk/publications/newsletters/op-matters-no-16-august-2012.html
- Cingiene, J. (2012). Work-nonwork Conflict. University of Bath, School of Management, Organizational Studies, PhD Conference, Bath, UK
- Cingiene, J. & Briner, R. (2011). A Systematic Review of Work-Family Interventions, International Conference on Work and Family, IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Barcelona, Spain