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School of Business and Management

Maximilian Hofmann

 Maximilian Hofmann


Project description

This research project questions how labour migration impacts strategies of export-oriented development, adopting a geopolitical-economic approach. It examines the role of Bangladeshi migrant workers in shaping Jordan's garment export industry, and explores related modes of development strategy. In this context, the impact of the Jordanian garment export industry on economic development in Jordan is examined, and how the industry’s role is shaped by related trade regimes and its integration in global production networks. In addition, related migration trajectories are explored by focusing on migration governance within, and between, Bangladesh and Jordan.


1st supervisor: Professor Liam Campling
2nd supervisor: Dr Elena Baglioni

Centre and Group Membership

Member of the Centre on Labour, Sustainability and Global Production


Maximilian Hofmann (School of Business and Management, QMUL) is a PhD student with a background in economic geography and development studies. He is particularly interested in economic development at the nexus of global production networks, geopolitical economy and labour migration. He holds a MSc. with Honours in Economic and Social Geography from the University of Salzburg. Prior to commencing his PhD project, he conducted research on glocalisation processes, special economic zones and labour market integration.

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