Milad Asadpour

Project title
Examining the Hepatitis B Vaccine Supply Chain: A Case Study in Iran
Project description
We focus on Hepatitis B virus as one of the highly contagious infectious diseases and study the Hepatitis B vaccine supply chain. We coordinate interactions between vaccine manufacturers and their innovative upstream suppliers when they cooperate via R&D contracts to bring a new product into the market. We formulate different game theory models to examine how competition and cooperation along with governmental support can foster innovation. We also solve a real case study of the Hepatitis B vaccine market in Iran.
1st Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Guven Demirel
2nd Supervisor: Prof. Brigitte Granville
Milad is a PhD student in Department of Business Analytics and Applied Economics, School of Business and Management.
Prior to joining Queen Mary University of London in September 2022, He received an offer of a place from The University of Auckland, in New Zealand, for doing a PhD in Operations & Supply Chain Management under the supervision of Prof. Tava Lennon Olsen. However, COVID-19 pandemic and New Zealand’s border restrictions deprived him of in-person learning and after one year of online study, he suspended his PhD education.
He obtained BSc and MSc degrees in Industrial Engineering from IAUN in Iran, with a cumulative GPA of 17.14 and 19.57 (out of 20), respectively. His MSc thesis entitled “A blood supply chain mathematical model regarding expiration date and back up facilities: A real case in Esfahan Blood Transfusion Organization” was fulfilled under the supervision of Prof. Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, and Asst. Prof. Omid Boyer.
Distinctions/ Honours
- School of Business and Management Research Studentship, Queen Mary University of London (2022)
- Dean of Business School Scholarship, The University of Auckland (2021)
- First rank among MSc Industrial Engineering graduates, IAUN (2019)
- Best graduate student of Faculty of Engineering, IAUN (2018 & 2019)
- Fifth rank in Iran's Industrial Engineering MSc Entrance Exam (2016)
- Third rank among BSc Industrial Engineering graduates, IAUN (2013)
Teaching and membership
- Teaching Assistant (TA) at IAUN for some courses such as Operations Research, Engineering Economy, Statistic
- Member of Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)
- Member of European Operations Management Association (EUROMA)
- Member of Iranian Data Envelopment Analysis Society
- Member of Young Researchers and Elite Club, IAUN
- Former president of Industrial Engineering Scientific Institute of IAUN
- Reviewer of WoS-indexed journals such as TRE, ORIJ, ESWA, IJQRM, JM2.
Areas of Expertise
- Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Design
- Healthcare Engineering, Healthcare Systems
- Mathematical Modelling, Scheduling, Optimization, Metaheuristic Algorithms
- Performance Evaluation, Supplier Selection, Decision Making
- Queueing Theory
- Reliability, Quality Engineering & Management
- Applied Queueing Theory (in Persian, co-authored with Asst. Prof. Roya M. Ahari)
- Asadpour, M., Olsen, T.L., & Boyer, O. (2022). An Updated Review on Blood Supply Chain Quantitative Models: A Disaster Perspective. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 158,102583.
- Asadpour, M., Hodaei, Z., Azami, M., Kehtari, E., & Vesal, N. (2022). A green model for identical parallel machines scheduling problem considering tardy jobs and job splitting property. Sustainable Operations and Computers, Vol. 3, pp. 149-155.
- Barati, I., Ahari, R. M., & Asadpour, M. (2022). A queuing network and Markov chain approach for balancing assembly line: a case study. International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, 14(1), 56-73. DOI: 10.1504/IJAOM.2022.10042287.
- Saghafinia, A., Fallahpour, A., Asadpour, M., & Abedian, M. (2022). Green Supplier Selection in a Fuzzy Environment: FIS and FPP Approaches. Cybernetics and Systems, 1-26.
- Abbaszadeh, M., Shirouyehzad, H., & Asadpour, M. (2022). A fuzzy QFD approach to prioritize capabilities and enablers of organizational agility based on its drivers: a case study. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, (ahead-of-print).
- Asadpour, M., Boyer, O., & Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R. (2021). A Blood Supply Chain Network with Backup Facilities considering Blood Groups and Expiration Date: A Real-world Application. International Journal of Engineering, 34(2), 470-479. doi: 10.5829/ije.2021.34.02b.19.
- Jafarpisheh, R., Karbasian, M., & Asadpour, M. (2021). A hybrid reliability-centered maintenance approach for mining transportation machines: a real case in Esfahan. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. Vol. 38 No. 7, pp. 1550-1575.
- Bahrami, I., Ahari, R.M., & Asadpour, M. (2021). A maximal covering facility location model for emergency services within M (t) /M /m /m queuing system. Journal of Modelling in Management. Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 963-986.
- Amindoust, A., Asadpour, M., & Shirmohammadi, S. (2021). A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Nurse Scheduling Problem considering the Fatigue Factor. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2021.
- Karami, A., Shirouyehzad, H., & Asadpour, M. (2021). A DEA-Based Decision Support Framework for Organizations’ Performance Evaluation considering TQM and Knowledge Management. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2021.
- Mokhtari, M., Sarashk, M., Asadpour, M., Saeidi, N., & Boyer, O. (2021). Developing a Model for the University Course Timetabling Problem: A Case Study. Complexity, 2021.
- Asadpour, M., Boyerhasani, O., & Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R. (2020). Designing blood supply chain network in disaster situation considering blood groups and expiration date. 1st International Conference on Challenges and New Solutions in Industrial Engineering and Management and Accounting, July 2020, Sari, Iran.
- Rahimpour, K., Shirouyehzad, H., Asadpour, M., & Karbasian, M. (2020). A PCA-DEA method for organizational performance evaluation based on intellectual capital and employee loyalty. Journal of Modelling in Management. Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 1479-1513.
- Asadpour, M., & Shirouyehzad, H. (2019). Performance evaluation and ranking of Academy Award winners for Best Original Score applying Data Envelopment Analysis: 1990–2016. Operations Research Letters, 47(5), 371-376.
- Ajripour, I., Asadpour, M., & Tabatabaie, L. (2019). A model for organization performance management applying MCDM and BSC: a case study. Journal of Applied Research on Industrial Engineering, 6(1), 52-70.
- Rajaee, A. A., Amindoust, A., & Asadpour, M. APPLYING SIMULATED ANNEALING ALGORITHM FOR PARALLEL MACHINE TARDINESS PROBLEM SUBJECT TO JOB SPLITTING. (2018). 48th International conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2-5 December, Auckland, New Zealand.
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