Rong Zhang

I am a PhD candidate at the Queen Mary School of Business and Management. I obtained my MSc with Distinction in Accounting and Finance at Queen Mary, University of London. I received my Bachelor of Management in Accounting from the Shandong University of Finance and Economics.
Project title
Impact of Management Accounting on Corporate Value Creation - Evidence from A-Share Listed Companies of China.
Project description
The economy of China has shifted from a stage of rapid growth to a new stage of high-quality development. My project proposes to study the role of management accounting in helping the high-quality development of economy and enhancing the value creation ability of enterprises. My project will mainly focus on whether the application level of management accounting affects the value creation of A-share listed enterprises, how the application of management accounting influences the value creation, and the influence results of management accounting application on value creation.
1st Supervisor: Dr Androniki Triantafylli
2nd Supervisor: Dr Evisa Mitrou