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School of Business and Management

Sarah Marks

 Sarah Marks


Project title

Does entrepreneurship pay for women? Investigating women entrepreneurs’ well-being through an intersectional, life course perspective.

Project description

£30,000 per year could be considered a comfortable entrepreneurial income or utterly inadequate depending on age, skills, goals, resources invested and financial obligations. Similarly, being your own boss could mean liberating independence or unending, oppressive responsibilities. For, while entrepreneurial income can be measured and non-financial returns identified, valuing them depends on context and subjective interpretations. My research  foregrounds the meaning and value women derive from both their pecuniary and non-pecuniary entrepreneurial rewards, subjective perceptions of success and how these relate to overall well-being through an intersectional, life course perspective. 


1st Supervisor: Professor Nelarine Cornelius
2nd Supervisor: Dr Andromachi Athansopoulou

  • Twitter: @SarahMarksQM

Centre and Group Membership


  • Marks, Sarah (2021) Performing and unperforming entrepreneurial success: Confessions of a female role model, Journal of Small Business Management.
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