Zihao Chen

Email: zihao.chen@qmul.ac.uk
Zihao Chen commenced his doctoral research at the School of Business and Management, Queen Mary University of London in September 2023. His research interests lie primarily in the fields of digital transformation, behavioural economics, common prosperity.
His future research aims to (1) explore the solution about the equitable social development and distribution in the context of digital economy. (2) utilize the inter disciplinary theory and multiple research methodology to reveal the drivers and impacts during digital transformation process to contribute to the information system field
Project title
Unpacking the Drivers and Social Effects of Corporate Digital Transformation
Project description
Zihao Chen is a PhD Scholar working in collaboration with Marketing Insights & Digital Societies (MINDS) group. His research involves exploring the driver factors and the wider social effects (like common prosperity) of digital transformation by adopting an interdisciplinary perspective. Its potential impact extends to both academia and policymaking, aligning with the growing importance of the digital economy in government agendas and contributing to the broader discourse on the motivation and practices of digital transformation in the context of information system advancement.
1st Supervisor: Dr. Nastaran Hajiheydari
2nd Supervisor: Dr. Xue Zhou
Centre and Group Membership
- Member of the Marketing Insights & Digital Societies (MINDS)