Dr Catherine Emeordi-OkekeModule Organiser - Professional Development 1 and 2Email: c.emeordi-okeke@qmul.ac.ukProfileTeachingResearchProfileRoles Module Organiser: Professional Development module 1 and 2 PhD research: A Critical Evaluation of Degree Apprenticeships in England. Biography Dr Catherine Emeordi-Okeke has 30 years experience of teaching Business Management modules in both Higher Education and Further Education Institutions in the UK. She also runs her own Recruitment and Training Centre, working in partnership with three charity organisations to address social mobility in underprivileged communities by empowering individuals to find meaningful work or Apprenticeships. Catherine holds a BA, MA, MProf. Prof.CE and AFHEA.TeachingUndergraduate: BUS 169 – Professional Development – 1 BUS 272 – Professional Development – 2 ResearchResearch Interests: Enhancing employability skills Situated learning Talents management PhD research: A Critical Evaluation of Degree Apprenticeships in England. The research offers a unique insight into Degree Apprenticeships from key stakeholders perspectives. The study contributes to both knowledge and practice in both employability and vocational education research areas of career development. It also provides feedback to policy makers, educational institutions for future planning of the design and delivery of Degree Apprenticeships programmes to meet employers’ needs. Centre and Group Membership Catherine is a member of: CREW - Centre for Research on Employment and Work at the University of Greenwich. CIPD – Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development. SRHE – Society for Research into Higher Education. ABE – Association of Business Executives.