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School of Business and Management

Dr Ioana Jipa-Musat


Teaching Fellow



Ioana joined Queen Mary in 2015. She completed her PhD in the area of comparative political economy, the title of her thesis is A Study of Institutional Change within the Romanian National Political Economy with a Focus on Elites, International Forces and Labour. Ioana specialises in political economy, historical institutionalism, institutional development in post-Socialist regimes and elite dynamics. She has worked as a Teaching Associate at Queen Mary since 2016, during which time she taught an extensive array of modules including: Multinationals and Global Business (Masters), Entrepreneurship in Computer Science (Year 3/4), Social and Political Marketing (Year 3), Firm Governance, Strategy and Institutions (Year 3), Advertising (Year 2), Corporations and Social Responsibility (Year 2).

She holds an MSc in International Political Economy from the London School of Economics and Political Science (Distinction), an MSc in International Management from King’s College London (Distinction), and a BA Hons in Business Management from University of Sheffield (First).

Currently, she is embarking on a Postdoctoral research project concerned with the dynamics of international mobility of workers after the Covid-19 crisis from Queen Mary University of London, School of Law and Wilfrid Laurier University, School of International Policy and Governance.

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